Salt & Light Archery Chai Chee Review: Indoor Archery for everyone - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Salt & Light Archery Chai Chee Review: Indoor Archery for everyone

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Looking for a different activity over the weekend, why not try archery?

While searching for things to do with teenagers, we found Salt & Light Archery and decided to give them a try. They have two branches: one at Chai Chee and the other on the West Coast. Since we are in the East, we head to the former for a tryout. The bonus was that the outlet at Chai Chee was fully airconditioned!

You can select Beginner courses if you are a non-certified archer or range booking for self-practice for BAC-certified archers. As we are novices, the beginner's archery course was more suitable. The prices range from $10 for a 10 Arrows Try Out to $180 per pax for a basic archery course that lasts 4 hours and up to 4 sessions, depending on age.

We opted for the one-hour Guided Funshoot (Modern Recurve). This course is suitable for beginners ages 8 and above. This guided session comes with games and even has prizes to be won.

The trial starts with a brief on how to use the archery and a few rounds of tryouts. Thereafter, the archers compete to see who can score the highest points. This is followed by a balloon shooting session and ends with changing the target to a smaller one. 

Over the course of the hour, you would have shot 50 times or more, and you should be competent with the bow and arrow as they are easy to pick up. A session like this would be great for teens, couples, or anyone who wishes to try out Archery without breaking the bank. It is a fun activity for those who want something different to do over the weekend.

If you want to know more, visit the Salt & Light Archery website to view the full course.


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