Apple TV Review :Singapore - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Apple TV Review :Singapore

Apple TV in Singapore

In case you are unaware, Apple TV Landed in Singapore

I chanced upon the Apple TV when I was in the Nubox Apple store. For those who have not heard about Apple TV, you can read all about it from their official website.

Apple TV was launched in March. It was only made available in Singapore in June with the launch of the local iTunes store. I was intrigued by the little black box and wondered what it could do. After some research, I summarised that apple tv can

  • Be used to watch 1080 HD movies from the local iTunes store (*new feature)
  • Be used to watch YouTube,Vimeo and podcast channels
  • Listen to Internet radio
  • Be used to watch specify channels
  • Stream contents from your iTunes account to tv
  • Use AirPlay to link with your existing apple eco-system ( iPads, iPhones and iTouch) and mirrors the contents on Tv (*new feature)
Given the potential of it to be a product to entertain the boys, I would like to do a mini-review of the Apple TV under our Wacky Lifestyle series.

Apple TV is housed in a clean white box with packaging and style similar to the iPad . The contents within are as follow
Apple TV unboxing
  • Apple TV module
  • Power Cord
  • Apple Remote
  • Menu
Apple TV sleek black box design is sleek and simple.
Sleek Apple TV
Like most Apple system, it is a relatively easy plug and go. You would need an additional HDMI cable to connect to tv(which means older tv without HDMI would not be able to be connected). In addition, there is an optical sound output, Ethernet ( in case you have no wifi) and micro-USB ( for servicing only). It comes with a minimalist remote that resembles an older iPod incarnation. The remote is not necessary as you can download an app called 'Remote' from Apple and control the Apple TV. In addition, you can use the iPhone/ iPad remote to control without the tv on. This allows you to play music if the Apple TV is connected to a sound system.
The Connection

Getting started
After hooking up to a tv, you need to spend a couple of minutes to set up. Basically you need to set up the wireless network, iTunes account, the YouTube account and the password to link up AirPlay between the Apple TV and iPads/iPhone. The user interface is rather simple. The first line shows the apps for iTunes link and general setting. The next line shows apps for third party video/music sources. For video sources, you have YouTube , vimeo and podcast. For music, you have access to a wide range of Internet radio as well.

For steaming from your computer, formats are mostly limited to iTunes - specific formats. Videos bought or rent from iTunes store can be shown in full hd (1080) format.
The Interface
AirPlay mirroring: What you see in iPad/iPhone and even iMac comes to tv
This is the main attractive why this little black box stands heads above other streaming media boxes is the ability for AirPlay mirroring. This means whatever media/ game on the iPad/ iPhone gets mirrored on the big screen.
This is great for sharing videos , movies and playing certain games like Fifa 12 and Asphalt.

Why I choose to buy Apple TV

  • The boys enjoying watching videos on their own YouTube channel as well as other videos from YouTube. You can get a lot of educational as well as entertaining videos on YouTube for kids. Some of the channels we subscribe to are kidstv123 and sesame street. Now the boys can watch their favourite YouTube videos on tv without an iPad while I get more opportunity to play with my toy at home. I get to watch some programmes like Auction Kings and Hollywood Treasures that are not readily available on local cable tv. Best of all, these programmes are free! (Some newer TVs are already providing internet TV, but the interface is usually cumbersome. Moreover, you need to buy a new TV which can cost 5 to 10 times more.
  • As an added accessory to our Apple Ecosystem ( iPad and iPhone), the Apple TV gives us the ability to share our contents with the family (i.e. pictures and videos). Makes a great tool for a family gathering. However if one buys without an IPad, it may not be rated as highly
  • With the ability to rent HD movie from iTunes, this little black box could turn out to be our very own home cinema library
  • Portable, I can bring this to travel, hook it up to the tv and voila a personal entertainment media unit even when you are overseas
  • Almost seamless streaming with the exception of a 2 to 3 sec lag time in loading ( I am on a 100 mbps Fiber plan)
The Little Details
Available at most APPLE stores and Apple Online Store

Want to be featured in the "Wacky Lifestyle" segment? As long as you have a product that appeals to kids (and adults) and the product is seen as something new, something edgy, something different, something useful and/or something wacky, email us at


  1. Thank you for the article. I wanted to know if this device is useful in Singapore and found your article very useful.

  2. Great article! For those who live outside US like me, you can access Netflix, Hulu and similar media stations on your Apple TV by using UnoTelly or similar tools.

  3. Will it connect to Netflix via MyRepublic's Teleport?

    1. Not quite sure about that as we only use it for mirroring or youtube.

  4. What are the channels that are free and available to watch when i purchase it? Am a fan of Eng movies.


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