Dec 2012 School Holidays : Travel Destinations for kids - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Dec 2012 School Holidays : Travel Destinations for kids

Dec 2012 School holidays activities part 1

It's vacation time!

If you have kids, you will know that nov / dec is a traditional time for families to take their break from work and school. Vacations with kids are never the same as your honeymoon vacations,
Sit back while The Wacky Duo takes you around the world ( edited :maybe some of the world) with our holiday travel destinations for kids. See our reviews for a first-hand account of the travel destinations.

Short Trips
Want a quick fuss-free trip? Panning a weekend getaway? Try this destination that last for as short as 1 day to 1 week!

  • Legoland Malaysia , JB Malaysia

You do not need to take a plane or a boat for getaway, get hop into a bus or car and drive across the causeway for LEGOLAND Malaysia. If time permits, you may even visit the Hello Kitty Land and The little Big Park while you are there. 3 world class theme parks in one day!

For a full review and directions there , do visit our guide and review

A to Z Guide to Legoland Malaysia
Legoland Malaysia Review
Legoland Miniland

  • Sunway Lagoon, KL Malaysia

To some, a holiday is not complete if you do not take a plane. Nevertheless if you do not want a long flight, consider a short one to KL. Check out Sunway Lagoon, billed as Asia best attractions

Sunway Resort and Spa Review
Sunway Lagoon for kids
Sunway Pyramid Review

  • Bintan , Indonesia

An alternate to taking a plane would be taking a cruise. Consider Bintan as your destination for sun, sand and fun. We stayed at Bintan Lagoon resort the last time and we enjoyed the short trip.

Bintan Lagoon Resort

  • Bali , Indonesia

Need a longer vacation, consider Bali for a laid back holiday in fine beaches, safari park and seafood.

Bali for kids - Nusa Dua / Seminyak / Jimbaran Bay
Bali for kids - Ubud / Tanah lot / Juta
Bali Safari and Marine Park Review

  • Hong Kong

Hong Kong has always been one of our regular holiday destination. With Disneyland and Ocean Park, kids would have fun in this urban jungle. As for Mom and Dad, HK is a tax free shopping paradise. With a low exchange rate, there has never been a better time to shop in HK.

Hong Kong 2011

  • Crusie : Starcruise Virgo / Royal Carribean Legends of the Sea

We will be embarking on a cruise this holiday. If you happen to see us, do say hi! We will be on the cruise together with Nickelodeon at Sea!

About Starcruise Virgo
About Royal Caribbean Legends of the Sea

Long Haul
Planning for a longer holiday? With preschool kids, we like the idea of leaving the planning to tour agency and would select tours that has 'kids activities' inclusive. It is not easy to haul travel with kids on our own. This is especially so if you would like to cover the country / areas that requires a long travelling time.

We also recommend free and easy if you only travel to one or two cities where transportation will be less of a hassle. We did both tour and Free and easy. We recommend tour if you would like to cover more attractions at a wider region. If you are just going to a city, free and easy would be the best option!

  • China

This was our first tour from Chan brothers. We did not know what to expect but we certainly enjoyed ourselves. Immersing in the Chinese culture and architecture ( like the Great Wall of China and Tianamen Square) was indeed an eye opener. The trip also have several scenic destinations and we loved how we saw show in Tianjin. The last we check, the itinerary may have changed, but China is one large country, so you will never ran out of places to visit.
We would recommend China anytime for a trip with kids.

Chan Brothers - Beijing Tour

  • Korea - Seoul

This was our second tour with Chan Brothers. The tour was done prior to the Gangnam Style phenomena in Korea. We toured mainly Seoul with Everland as the main attraction for kids.
Unfortunately most of our tour photos were 'lost' as our hard disk crashed. Nevertheless the memories still lives in the land of kimchi.

Chan Brothers - Korea Tour

  • Japan - Tokyo / Mount Fuji

We visited Japan twice. The first time was a free and easy trip in Tokyo. The second was a package tour with Chan Brothers as we wanted to explore more of Japan. Both has its ups and downs, but we enjoyed both trips. The food, the culture and the destinations was charming and intriguing for us. Don't forget to visit Disneyland and Disney Sea while you are there!

Tokyo Free and Easy
Chan Brothers Japan Tour

  • Gold Coast
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Before the emergence of themeparks in Singapore / Malaysia, Gold Coast was the place to go for themeparks such as Seaworld, Movie world and Currubim wildlife. Don't forget the farmstay, sand and sun. We did a free and easy and a self drive there. it's relatively easy to self-drive around Gold Coast where it is an almost linear route to most destination. The crisp air, the smell of leaves and the sound of waves will soothe most souls. Great family destination at your own pace.

Gold Coast 2009
Currubim Wildlife

Some of these trips are still available for Dec holiday. Do book soon else the bookings would fill up soon. Remember to travel safe and get travel insurance. Last but not least, remember to have fun this holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, it is very useful! Your kids are having so much fun :)


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