NDP Fireworks @ Bay East Gardens - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

NDP Fireworks @ Bay East Gardens

Fireworks @ Bay East Gardens
Fireworks Seasons is upon us!
The month running up to National Day on Aug 9 promises weekly Fireworks every Saturday from 810pm onwards.

Having posted the Best Places to view NDP Fireworks in Singapore, We decided to take our own advice and check out the view of the fireworks from Bay East Gardens.

Bay East Gardens
This is our first time at Bay East Gardens for fireworks. We were there at about 730pm and there is already a crowd of avid photographers and families at the vicinity awaiting the Fireworks.

Marina Bay 730pm
This year, the fireworks started a little later. This is probably due to the extended hours for the actual NDP.
Luckily we bought our trusty scooters to scoot around the gardens to occupy ourselves.

Marina Bay 8pm
After a looooooonnng wait, at about 8.12 pm, the Fireworks began !

Start of Fireworks
We recommend you bring a tripod along if you want to take pictures of fireworks. With a tripod, remote, ISO settings of 200, bulb mode and an aperture of 9, the fireworks pictures should turn out to be spectacular. Unfortunately, Daddy forgot his tripod and we had to rely on his steady hands instead.
Which in reality did not turn out to be as steady as it should.
Nevertheless there are still some 'decent' shots of Fireworks (amongst the hundreds he took)

Fireworks over ArtScience Museum
We highly recommend this spot for fireworks viewing for the following reasons

  • Away from the crowded Marina Bay
  • Acres of space for viewing, no need to jostle around
  • Fantastic view of Marina Bay
  • You could even have a picnic there!
Fireworks over the Bay
However we do suggest to watch during the rehearsal dates as there might be a crowd during National Day. The traffic may be an issue given that it is a one lane road on the Tanjong Rhu stretch to and fro from the carpark.

We love Fireworks
With this visit, we would have covered 4 out of 5 suggested places to view the fireworks . Given the location and the view, we would think this spot is most ideal for families with young kids and would highly recommend it.
This year might be the last few years to view the NDP Fireworks from Bay East as the NDP might move to the New National Stadium when in is ready. Do catch it while you still can!
Colourful bay

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