The Playhouse & Cafe @ Rochester Park Reopens! - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

The Playhouse & Cafe @ Rochester Park Reopens!

Going to The Playhouse@Rochester in our FOX gear

It had been quite a while since we had been to The Playhouse @ Rochester. In fact, the last time when we came, Little Lou was not even conceived. When we made a return trip a couple of months
back earlier this year, we were disappointed to learn that it was closed.

It was only last week that we got wind that The Playground & Cafe at Rochester is set to reopen its doors to the little ones. So without further ado, we instinctively head down to the Grand Opening last Saturday.
Open for business!
House in a Grand 2 Storey Black and White Bungalow nested away in the lush forestry area along Rochester Road. The journey from the carpark to 7 Rochester house was as charming as what we were to encounter. Pushing our way through the forested path, we reached the destination after a little trek.
It was all worth it when we finally reach The Playhouse...

Welcome to my castle
The last time we were here, we remembered it as a cozy little indoor playground with some form of outdoor play. This time we were greeted with a bright and cheery indoor play space as well a huge outdoor play area.

Let's stay exploring our latest find!
Immediately upon entering the Indoor space, you will be greeted by a Castle playhouse alongside a slide that leads you to a ballpit.
I bite!
The Playhouse @ Rochester is not your ordinary indoor playground filled with large Play Structures or acres of space to roam. On the contrary , it is as per its namesake... a large Playhouse meant to cater to those age 7 and younger. It is filled with toys for both genders and promise a relaxing yet cozy time for the tiny tots.
Let's slide
Master Chef
Master Chef
Other than the castle and slides, there is another area for those future Master chef to whip up a storm. Cooking here is gender unbiased and both little girls and boys would feel at home here.
Cooking station
Most of the equipment are from Little Tikes. Given its reputation for producing quality play equipments, it should stand the test of time and Little tots.
Food is ready

Party Zone
Party zone
For those who like to indulge in a little fantasy play, you can dress up as little princess, prince, policeman and even Tinkerbell at a cozy corner filled with props.

Arts and Craft
Arts and Craft
Two good size tables filled one corner of the room to allow for some creative play through arts and craft.
Building blocks
Toys suitable for the younger ones such as cars, building blocks and tea sets are available for play. Alternatively find a cozy corner ( there are plenty) and smuggle up to enjoy a book with your little one.
Toys for everyone
All Aboard!
All aboard
Nested in the other side of the room is a nautical theme play area which we think is meant for the smaller kids. Filled with bouncy sharks, crocodile and a submarine among pillows and foam beds, it is a nice little spot for the babies.
Shark attack
The nautical zone is enclosed by a Lindam child gate. However this area was not clearly define as a toddler area. As such there were bigger kids in the play area. So if you have little ones, you may like to accompany them in the area if it is unsupervised.

It would be better IMHO if The Playhouse choose to earmark this spot for toddlers. For a start, hey could exercise some crowd control so the smaller kids would have their own personal play space.
Lindam gates
The Great Outdoors
The Great Outdoors
Bigger kids need not worry about the lack of space in The Playhouse. After the year long renovation, the outdoor space had expanded and is even bigger than the indoor play area.
With rides such as scooters and cars, the little ones are spoilt for choice when it comes to which mode of transport to take.
Choose your rides
Other activities they could indulge includes this pair of slides.
If slides are not your cup of tea, how about this little toddler swing instead?
Swing with me
The gated outdoor space is big enough for a game of mini football.
The only issue we have is that it gets too hot especially in the late morning/ early afternoon.
Some areas are shaded and selected play stations comes with a shaded umbrella. However the Sun can be unforgiving and it is not advisable to play under the hot sun for a long time for the little ones.
Water play
It is such a waste if the Sun determines the play area. Perhaps The Playhouse can consider putting in more shades for the little ones especially if there are enticing stations such as the Water Track under the hot Sun.
Water track
It is a shame when the boys could not try out the trampoline due to the heat.
The Playhouse is touted as a place where parents can unwind while their children gets their dosage of play unsupervised. However we would not recommend you leave the children under 3 on their own, but for the older kids and if there are on site supervision, both the outdoor and indoor play areas are sufficiently safe for play.
Keep an eye on the little ones.
Overall we think this newly renovated playground is a nice little haven for children under 7. Older children would probably feel out of place at the Playhouse due to the set up.

For the little ones, do check out the extra activities that The Playhouse is organizing over the weekends. For the latest activities, do head down to their new facebook fanpage.
Tattoo kids
If you intend to host a party, this place would be perfect for a large group party. The Rochester Park Cafe has sufficent seats to host a party of 50 or more pax.
Great place for party
We did not get to sample their menu as we had buffet during the Grand Opening. However we heard that they will be serving up a revamped bistro food menu all day and night, together with a great weekend brunch ! Award Winning La Rose Noir macarons & pastries are made available exclusively at The Playhouse & Cafe.
All day dining
Sounds yummy to us!
The Playhouse itself is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm. The admission of $8/ hour or $15 unlimited is for both the indoor and outdoor area. This is probably one of the cheapest playground rates in town. With an outdoor dining area for parents to unwind and chill, this will make a great family outing spot for families with younger children.

Play rates
The Playhouse
7 Rochester Park
Singapore 139218

Parking is available at the open air carpark at the end of Rochester Drive or at Rochester Mall.

The Playhouse @ 7 Rochester Park
Updated: May 2014
Caveat Emptor
We were invited back to do a food review . Unfortunately the review did not materialised. Firstly the staff were rude to us by talking to us in a condescending tone. This was followed by an equally appalling service (Eg:Waiting for 45 minutes BEFORE taking an order). At the end , we decided with such bad service, the review would not be worth it. With such an unpleasant experience as invited guests, we think customers may fare worse We do not think we should recommend the place for dining, no matter how good the food may be. For the record, we were put off by the service that we left without having the meal. Thus we do not know how food looks like, much less how it taste.


  1. I just went there today and had an bad experience. The food there were only average and overpriced+++. The staffs there seem to place priority in attending to certain group of customers as compared to locals like us. We had to wait and approached them to show us to a table. Whereas certain group of customers were promptly attended to the moment they enter. The indoor and outdoor playground weren't maintained properly. most of the toys that you have took picture of in May are now q run down. It's surprise how they call themselves a child friendly restaurant when they don't even remember to give us our utensils when they serve our food. We had to ask for them and made to wait while they attend to certain group of customers. Hope any locals reading this will change their mind if they are thinking of bringing their kids there for a visit.

  2. I just went to this place today and I experienced exactly what "My Furry Friends" experienced. No utensils, slow service, indoor and outdoor playground weren't maintained properly and to top it all off, overpriced food. I wouldn't call it an playground, it is just a place with some old, used children toys.

    I had to constantly lookout for my daughter because this place is not child proof AT ALL. there were even open screws in the indoor playground.

    A place to avoid totally.


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