My Dream Bathroom - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

My Dream Bathroom

My Dream Bathroom - SOURCE GROHE

 Bathroom had come a long way since I was a child. I remember during the good old days, bathroom fittings was just a basic plastic tub where you would use a smaller tub to wash your body.


Today with the advance of technology, a bath is a completely different experience. So much so, the kids of today will not recognized the bathroom of old. With these new gizmos together with more interior decoration options, creating a dream bathroom would required some thoughts.
Resort style
The first thing to consider in a bathroom is the interior design. A ideal bathroom should consist of 4 piece setup. This would include the washing basin, toilet bowl, bathtub and shower. For a couple, it is advisable to consider double sink for their own personal space in the bathroom.

Next comes the design choose from modern, contemporary, minimalist, resort, masculine, feminine and a whole array of design. My current bathroom is clad in an all black settings. On hindsight, it is a little dark for bathroom. If I can redesign the bathroom, I would love to have the following
  • A minimalist white bathroom with black fittings. There should be a dash of wood to have an earthly feel to it.
  • The toilet should be located in a separately from the main bathroom.
  • The shower and bath area should be separated as well.
In other words, it will be a huge bathroom!
Double sink
GROHE chrome
My current bathroom fittings are from GROHE. It is a brand I trust for quality in the bathroom. Given my recent positive reacquaintance with the brand, it will remain my brand of choice for a new bathroom.
GROHE inspired
GROHE F Digital Deluxe
With unlimited imaginary funds, I would probably have my own personal spa. The GROHE F Digital Deluxe fits the bill perfectly. You could turn your shower room to a steam room . Add mood lighting and music from iTunes and you will have a home spa.
Heavenly shower : SOURCE GROHE
Alternatively I could consider to go digital with the sleek Ondus Digital faucets clad in velvet black.
Ondus Digital options
Throw in a few side showers and it will be heavenly.
Ondus Velvet Black
Naturally with kids, I will demand fixtures to have child friendly features. With GROHE CoolTouch and GROHE thermostats, I can be assured that they will be safe from the risk of scalding in the bathroom.
GROHE CoolTouch - Safety for kids
With these features, I am sure I could create the perfect flow to enjoy Pure Joy in Water.
The perfect flow

Black and White - GROHE
As for the final look of the bathroom, it will be quite similar to the one I saw at GROHE design center. Top it up with GROHE Spa products, I am certain that time will be well spend in the dream bathroom.
Create your home spa
It just take a showerhead to change your bathroom
If you are on a tight budget and would like to update the bathroom look, here is a tip. Just replace the showerhead. We recommend the GROHE Power and Soul showerhead. Not only it looks good, it has seven different spray modes that will give you a different shower experience to suit your mood.
What's your dream bathroom?
Love to create your own dream bathroom?
Get a chance to take home a part of yourdream bathroom with the GROHE Bathroom Accessories (worth $321). Simply do the following
  1. Take a picture of your bathroom
  2. Instagram it, and hashtag using #thedreambathroom, #grohe and #grohesg.
  3. On the picture, write in 50 words or less what you constitutes as a dream bathroom. Winners will be selected at random by GROHE . This contest ends on 15 November 2014 at 2359hours.
Have fun creating your dream bathroom!In the meantime, you could enjoy a 20 % off your next GROHE purchase at all authorized GROHE outlets by simply printing out or flash the following voucher for redemption.

GROHE Discount
TWD were invited to the event for review

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