SRT Chicken Little Preview + Giveaway - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

SRT Chicken Little Preview + Giveaway

SRT TLC is back with a new production for year end.

If you have not been to an SRT - The Little Company (TLC) musical with your little one, you need to do so soon. Having been to several SRT-TLC productions, we had not been disappointed till today. Each production brings in original catchy songs and twist to classic tales, making them both enjoyable and memorable.

This year end,TCL will be back with an original musical - Chicken Little to end their 15th anniversary season with a bang. Billed as a comedy musical, it promise to get your family clucking with laughter.

With musical scores from the writers of Red Riding Hood and Treasure Hunt, this show promises tunes that will get your toes tapping. Having been to both musicals, we can vouch that Chicken Little will be a treat for the family.

Synopsis (Source)
Life on the farm can be a scary place if you're poor Chicken Little! Mercilessly teased by her brother and sister for her everyday fearfulness, Chicken Little's afraid of absolutely everything-even the rain!
So when one day she feels something fall on her head, she immediately feats the worst-the sky is falling! But when none of her family hears her pleas, she sets about telling the only one who'll listen to her- The King

Join Chicken Little on her quest to save her fellow farmyard animals on a journey where she'll meet a whole host of quirky, vibrant much-loved characters, including Cocky Locky, Ducky Daddles and the brave Turkey Lurkey. But with the fearsome Foxy Loxy on the loose, can they make it to the King alive?

Chicken Little
25 Oct to 8 Dec
KC Arts Center- Home of SRT

Want to watch the musical?

With courtesy from SRT , we have one set of 4 tickets to this musical for giveaway . The date of the show will be on 11 Nov 2017 , 11 am.

Do the following to qualify for the giveaway.
  1.  Like The Wacky Duo and SRT Facebook Page
  2. Answer this question on this post " Which came first - The Chicken or The Egg and why?"
  3.  Share this post on Facebook
  4.  Join the Rafflecopter below
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Closing date : 01 October 2017

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  • Only one winner per household. Duplicate Winners of a similar giveaway on other websites may be disqualify. The final decision will be made by the sponsors.
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  1. The egg! 🍳 because eggs exist millions of years ago, during the dinosaur period. Hence, they exist even before the chicken came about. Therefore, the eggs comes before the chicken and the chicken comes from the egg!🐥✌🏼

    1. Thk u so much again The wacky Duo!!! My littles can't wait to find out why the sky is falling!!!

  2. eggs! and hatched into chicken!

  3. Chicken. The bible said God created the earth, sky, sea, plants, animals and then Adam and Eve. Didn't mention eggs. ;)

  4. Chicken

    God created mature birds with reproduce bird was first, ready to lay egg

    Liked and shared

    Elly tan

  5. Chicken🐔

    God created mature birds with reproduce ability. So bird was first , ready to lay egg.

  6. Chicken came first because God created land animals on Day 6.

  7. None... nothing came first...
    If the egg cqme first.... we need it to be fertilize.... how to fertiluze if no chickens to mate...likewise..
    If the chicken came first... where did they come from?

    1. So they just appear from thin air ??? :)

  8. Chickens! There cannot be any young without its parent!

  9. Tay Mui Keng (Tay MK)22 September 2017 at 10:59

    Chicken comes first..
    Think animals were created just like humans, then the chicken lay eggs.. So Chickens first, Eggs later!

  10. Eggs. I believe eggs evolve from micros.

  11. Chicken
    They are created like Adam and Eve.

  12. If God created plant and animal life, then to me it makes more logical sence that he created the first male and female chicken...hence the egg must have come second?

  13. Chicken. Only then can they reproduce to have eggs. Same as humans. Adam and Eve were created first.

  14. Chicken!
    God created animals first. And chicken lay eggs. So chicken first then eggs 😊
    Facebook: Agnes Loh (


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