Mini Disney Ambassadors : The Wacky Duo goes to Disney - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Mini Disney Ambassadors : The Wacky Duo goes to Disney

We are mini Disney ambassadors!

When we started The Wacky Duo, we did not know where this journey will take us.

Along the way, we had many new and unique experiences that we would have otherwise not had the chance to do so. This week, we added another feather to the hat with a special collaboration with Disney.

Our first official Disney shoot

If you had visited our Youtube Channel, you would have come across our unboxing videos. This time around, we had the opportunity to unbox new Spiderman toys that will be launch concurrently with Spiderman 2 on Cartoon Network.

We visited the Disney office extension for the video shoot. Unlike our basic home setup, this is more professional. it took us a while to get warm-up but we were having fun at the end of the day.
Let's {;ay

Check out the final output at this link

Catch Spiderman 2 on Disney Channel from 15 September onwards.

Thanks for the invitation Disney... maybe Marvel for the next round?

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