Goodbye King of Random - Grant Thompson - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Goodbye King of Random - Grant Thompson

Youtube Star Grant Thomson has died following a paragliding accident.

If you had watched youtube, you would have noticed The King of Random youtube channel. Unlike the typical 'types of characters' or 'top ten list of things' videos populating youtube, this channel is an edutainment channel. The videos are mainly leaning towards science projects through life hacks, experiments and random weekend projects.  In our opinion, it is one of the more educational channels that is worth a follow.

Grant is the creator of the channel.Some of his notable videos as follows

Can Coke become cotton candy?

How to make LEGO gummy candies

How to open a coconut without tools

You could always learn a trick or even a life skill from the videos on the channel.

Sadly, we are going to miss him on youtube. Nonetheless, the King of Random is still ongoing as Grant had taken a step back in 2018 and left the reins to Nate and Calli. There are over 700 experimental videos on the channel. Take a look and you might end up inspired to do an experiment yourself.

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