New Majulah Singapura 2019 controversy : Which version is the right one? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

New Majulah Singapura 2019 controversy : Which version is the right one?

There is some hoo-ha about the New Majulah Singapura version launched yesterday.

The anthem composed in 1958 by Zubir Siad will be renewed after 60 years.

Singapore Symphony Orchestra created a new rendition.

You can hear and download the song from this link

At the same time, a black and white music video was released. It was based on a soulful rendition of the song sung by veteran singer-songwriter Ramli Sarip during the 2019 NDP Parade. Let's check out that version first.

When that segment came out, the response was overwhelming.

A new MV was introduced featuring Ramli Sarip and 24 Singaporean personalities including Paralympian Theresa Goh, environmental activist Oliver Chuan, criminal lawyer Josephus Tan among others.

Unfortunately, this was not well received judging by the initial reactions

Personally, I would have preferred the NDP2019 version compared to this one. Visually, the new MV does not portray a forward-moving and vibrant Nation with its black and white solemn undertones. With 2 versions out on the same day, there was confusion as to which is the official version.

To solve this 'mystery', this MV is NOT the official updated version of Majulah Singapura. The SSO version would be the right one to refer to.

Case Closed

Majulah Singapura!

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