Pride of Singapore - Remembering Mr Lee Kuan Yew :SUSPENDED - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Pride of Singapore - Remembering Mr Lee Kuan Yew :SUSPENDED

Launched on Monday, suspended on Monday.

Singapore Mint launched the Pride of Singapore- a collection of medallions and busts bearing the likeness of former Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew. 6 hours later, the launch was temporarily suspended until further notice.

The launch was meant to mark the fifth anniversary of Mr Lee's death on March 23 2015. The collection consists of Medallion in nickel, bronze, silver and gold bases that were priced from $10 to $1888. It also consists of copper busts available in 110mm and 430mm. There was a preorder for the series launched on Monday.  The series is the second set under Singapore Salute Series. The first set was launched to commemorate Sir Stamford Raffles.

If you were looking to get a set, you would be disappointed. Following the public outcry on the launch going against the wishes of the late PM Lee on not wanting to be immortalised in monuments, this launch has been suspended. 

If you are looking to get memories of Mr Lee, you might want to consider getting his memoirs instead. We reckoned ‘The Singapore Story’and ‘From Third World to First’ would make excellent reading. If you really want a photo of Mr Lee, you might even try to see if you can get the SG50 $50 note that has over 6 million in circulation.

Sg50 note

The best way to remember Mr Lee is to take a look around you. This is the Singapore where he laid the foundation. The people, the infrastructure, the greenery are the legacy he had left behind. If you look closer, you might just find him there.

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