ASEAN and ASIA Travel Restrictions - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

ASEAN and ASIA Travel Restrictions

Still, looking for a holiday destination?

For the funny ones who still insist on travelling, you might want to take note of the following restrictions. Do note that even before leaving the country, the government had issued a Travel Advisory against non-essential travel for the next 30 days from March 14.

In addition, any returning travellers will be issued Stay Home Notice upon return. The SHN has to be served with the use of Annual leave. Travellers are also NOT entitled to receive the $100 daily support for those serving SHN or quarantine.



  • Self-isolation for 14 days for visitors from Covid-19 countries
  • Ban on travellers with 14-day travel history to Hubei China, Iran, Europe including the UK.

  • Ban on Travellers from France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Spain or USA. No other restrictions

  • Vias exemption policies for all countries suspended for one month. Foreigners must obtain a visa from Indonesia missions and health certificate issued for approval

  • Stop issues of tourist visa to Chinese passport holders.
  • All travellers from a country with confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be asked to self-monitor and may be asked to self-quanratine

  • 2 weeks lockdown of the country. No entry for Foreigners From March 18-31. 

  • Suspend Vias on Arrival for travellers from China
  • Close all land borders with neighbours to foreign nationals. 
  • All travellers who visited Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Iran, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK and the US for the past 14 days prior to arrival will be subjected to 14 days facility quarantine.

  • Suspend all visa-free privileges and visa issuance with immediate effect.
  • Travel ban to all travellers countries with local transmission
  • Limited flights from 20 March to 13 Apr

  • Health certificates certify passenger is risk-free from Covid19to be issued no more than 72 hours.
  • Medical Insurance with a minimum coverage of USD 100,000

  • Suspend all visas and deny entry to travellers from the UK and 26 Schengen countries. This includes travellers who have visited or transited through these countries in the past 14 days.
  • Suspend all via on arrival for all foreigners
  • Temporary ban on travellers with travel history to Mainland China
  • 14 days quarantine for all travellers. Flights suspended



  • No clear travel restrictions

  • Travellers who had been to selected regions in China, SouthKorea, Iran, Italy, Swiss, Spain and Iceland within 14 days of arrival will not be allowed to enter
  • Travellers from China, HK, Macao, South Korean Schengen countries, the US will be required to stay in designated facilities for 14 days.

South Korea

  • No clear travel restrictions, but if you are a foreigner, you are not allowed in Singapore if you have been to S Korea for 14 days,

Hong Kong

  • Ban all visitors from March 25


  • Ban all foreign visitors from March 19



  • Ban on all non-residents and non-citizens from March 20

New Zealand

  • Travellers who have transited or been to China and Iran for 14 days will not be allowed in NZ
  • Other visitors must self isolate for 14 days

Singapore has also ban short term visitors from March 24 If you are still looking at this stage, finding an airline to bring you to the destination would be a challenge. Singapore Airlines will ground 138 out of its 147 planes. Most countries have at least a 14-day quarantine order, ban or lockdown.

With all these measures, it is better to stay at home as travel destinations are almost non-existence.

Source: MFA

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