Palm View Primary COVID-19 case : A Lesson on Social Responsibility - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Palm View Primary COVID-19 case : A Lesson on Social Responsibility

Everyone plays a part in Social Responsibility

By now, most parents would have heard about a primary 2 student tested positive for COVID-19. It is unfortunate that this had happened as the main source of infection was from unknown. This case 991 was linked to 2 other cases Case 992 (34) and Case 886 ( 36). For the lack of added information, we could not assume that there are the parents of the child but just family members as stated.

Case details from MOE
Case 886 was confirmed on 30 March
Case 991 and 992 are confirmed on 31 March

There was also a letter from the school to parents advising on the extension of HBL due to the confirmed cases. On that letter, it was stated that the child had attended school on 30 March.

Keen-eyed parents had bought this up as an issue. The child was in school THE SAME DAY a family member was confirmed as a COVID19 cases. Given that the child would have interaction with the family member, should the child be heading to school knowing that the family member was due for a test.?

Source: Reader Contribution

There are a few lessons to learn from this case

1) Roles of Parents or Caregivers.
Given the young age of the child, the responsibility of the child falls on parents and caregivers. The child might not be aware of the severity of the situation, but there is no excuse on the caregiver's role. If you are aware that someone in the family is undergoing a COVID-19 test and the child had interacted with the person, practise commonsense and opt to stay at home until the results are clear. We are sure the school will be understanding given the situation

2) Rules should be established for school and work to remain open
New rules to be established. If there are any known family members under SHN or being tested for COVID-19. Family members living in the same household should be subjected to the same SHN due to possible exposure. To ensure that we could keep schools open and work as normal, this would be applicable to both school and work scenario.

3) Social stigma on the child
Even if it was not the intention of the parents, such actions will lead to consequences for the child. Once it is known that the child was the first in the school to get COVID-19, the child will undoubtedly be targeted by others in the future. Despite the school's best efforts, bullying still exists to some extend. At the end of the day, it will be no fault of the children but they will bear the full burden.

Everyone has a part to play
As individuals, we are the keys to creating a safer environment for our children.  Before any decision is taken, put yourself in the shoes of those that are going to be affected. If you do not want someone sick to be in school, do not bring your own sick child there.

It is not the time to play the blame game now. What's done was done.

Instead, use this opportunity to reassess ourselves. If we do not wish for it to happen again, we have to be on our toes and remain vigilant. Now is the time to be responsible for our own actions. If we can show it, schools can remain open and children would have still experienced a sense of normalcy in life.

Don't be the one to take it away from them.

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