New Covid19 Policies : General Travel, National Exams Restrictions , Restricted entry to selected malls on weekends and more
A slew of measures have been introduced for Covid19
Here is a summary of what will be effective in the coming weeks.
1 National Exams
The measure will apply to National Exams begin from Sep 14. This includes PSLE, GCE N-Level, O-Level and A-Level exams.
Who cannot take exams
- Students with Covid19 who are on quarantine order or stay home notices are not allowed to sit for exams.
- Candidates who are on leave of absence due to close contact with COvid19 confirmed cases will not be allowed to do so.
- Candidates who have travelled out of Singapore for compassionate reasons, such as attend the funeral or visit critically ill family member can be allowed on a case by case basis.
Who can take exams
- Students on medical leave due to acute respiratory infection, as well as students on leave of absence, because they stay in the same household as those on home quarantine order, are allowed to sit for the exams. However, they must be first tested negative for Covid19.
- Candidates placed on approved absence because they stay in a household with adults who exhibit flu-like symptoms will be allowed to sit for the exams
Format of Exams
- Students must don face mask when reporting. However, they may wear face shield on their desk
- They are to be sit1.5m apart
- Max 30 students in each classroom.
- Thos on a medical lead due to acute respiratory infection or who are on leave of absence because they stay with individuals on home quarantine order will take exams in a separate room from other candidates. They will be seated at 3 m apart with a cap of 10 candidates.
2 General Travel to NZ, Brunei allowed from Sep 1, but not necessarily possible
- General Travel to be allowed to and from New Zealand and Brunei from Sep 1
- Travellers coming in from these 2 countries will not need to serve a stay home notice. Instead, they will undergo a Covid19 test upon arrival at the airport. May only continue activities after receiving a negative test result.
- Visitors will be responsible for their own medical bills if they require treatment for Covid19 while in Singapore.
- Travellers to NZ and Brunei will be eligible for government subsidies and insurance coverage if they contracted COVID19 upon the return of their trip.
- The border restriction is not reciprocal. Travellers advise to check with NZ and Brunei is to check with the countries on their travel restrictions before making a trip. As of now, both countries limit entries to visitors and require 14 Days mandatory quarantine.
All visitors arriving into Brunei (with appropriate approvals and documentation from the Brunei government), will be required to undergo a 14-day self-isolation period immediately at appointed monitoring centres in accordance with the Infectious Diseases Act (204). Any foreign nationals who receive permission to travel into Brunei will also be required to present:
- Valid Entry Travel Pass or Letter of Approval from Department of Immigration and National Registration
- A negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT PCR) test result from a designated medical center that is recognized by the government of the country of departure; undertaken 72 hours prior to travelling to Brunei. Official document must clearly state “RT PCR” in order to be authenticated.
- Proof of valid hotel booking for at least 14 days starting on the day of arrival.
- Proof of a valid air ticket
- Proof of a valid visa (for visa-required passport holders)
- Proof of payment for post-arrival COVID-19 PCR test.
- Proof of installation of BruHealth app on mobile device
Guests who fail to present all required documents will be denied boarding.
Travel Restrictions to NZ (22 Aug 2020 - Source)
New Zealand’s border is closed to most travellers and entry is strictly controlled. All arrivals are tested for COVID-19 and a 14-day managed quarantine or isolation is mandatory.
3 Stay-Home Period Halve for some Countries
Stay Home Period to reduce from 2 weeks to 1. Covid19 Test will still be done for the visitors. Countries include
- Australia (excluding the state of Victoria)
- Mainland China
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Taiwan
- Vietnam
- Weekend Entry to Lucky Plaza, Peninsula Plaza to be based on NRIC number, FIN from Aug 29.
- Even digit can visit the two malls only on weekends that fall on even dates and Odd digits can visit on even dates.
- Recorded music at F&B to be played as soft background music only
- Live music will continue to be discontinued.
- Households with more than 5 tables can book more than 1 able to accommodate everyone. Interactions between tables to be limited.
- Safe measures such as temperature screen, screening for symptoms, safe distancing and maintaining a list of participants are needed.
- Instructors must be registered to carry out activities
- Up to 50 people may take part in these classes. Participants to stay in groups of five, keeping 2 m apart from one another.
- Group exercises not organised by these instructors to be capped at 5 persons.
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