It takes only 1 - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

It takes only 1

 Daily Dose: It takes only 1

So the streak has ended. Out of the blue, 1 local community case emerge. The worse part was not only had he contracted Covid19, but it was also ascertained that he had put another 11 family members at risk by breaking the law with a social gathering of more than 5 in a public place.

This is incredulous. While getting Covid19 is not great, by flouting the rules in the process will also delay Phase 3. Part of Phase 3 implementation is compliance with safety management measures. This episode only shows that people are unable to comply with present measures, thus further relaxation may be too risky. To make it worse, this is NOT the only case of flouting the measures reported yesterday!

Source: ST Phase 3 will go ahead only if 3 conditions are met.

1 5 Covid19 cases

  • 1 Community
  • 4 Imported

The community case works as a service engineer who requires to onboard vessels for service and maintenance. He had symptoms on Nov23. Prior to that he had dinner with 12 family members at Seoul Garden Tampines and was intermingling. This is just a reminder that virus is not eradicated and we simply cannot let our guard down

Imported cases are from Pakistan, Malaysia and Nepal

Source: MOH

2 6 members of 12 people gathering on Lazarus Island fined $3000 each for flouting safe distancing measures.

Of the 12, only 1, Sarkies is a Singapore. The rest are British. This came to light when Sarkies posted and Instagram photo with all 12 of them in a shot.

Source: ST

3 Woman suing PUB for 5 million over manhole accident gives up the fight, accepts a settlement

This comes after social media highlighted some dubious claims by her

Source: ST

4 NTUC Income adds Covid19 coverage to travel insurance.

The Covid-19 benefits are automatically included in single trip travel insurance plans purchased from Thursday and are also included in plans that cover pre-existing conditions. They apply to trips with travel dates starting from Thursday.

Source: Today

Main Photo Credit: Photo by CDC on Unsplash

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