Life is a box of Chocolates - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Life is a box of Chocolates


Daily Dose: Life is a box of Chocolates

Yesterday, I had my life flashed past me as I choked on my Fan Choy. I was wolfing down the food while scrolling through the FB updates on my phone. At that instance, breath was sucked right out of me for a full minute as food was stuck in my throat. There was no one to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on me. The ordeal ended when I vomited out the food.

Back to the highlights of the day. These include a falling tree and a cardiac arrest following a vaccination. Like the saying made famous by the movie 'Forest Gump' - Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get. These incidents show that unexpected things can happen out of the blue.

As for me, I learn how to do the Heimlich manoeuvre on myself. For the record, this is how you do it according to Mayo Clinic.

To perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver) on yourself, place a fist slightly above your navel. Grasp your fist with the other hand and bend over a hard surface. Shove your fist inward and upward

It will be a long long time before I will have another Fan Choy...

1)11 Covid19 cases

All Imported

- 1 (Case 60304) is a Singaporean and 1 (Case 60305) is a Permanent Resident who returned from Bangladesh and the UK.
- 1 (Case 60298) is a Work Pass holder who arrived from the UAE.
- 7 are Work Permit holders who arrived from India, Indonesia and the Philippines, of whom - 5 (Cases 60299, 60300, 60301, 60302 and 60310) are foreign domestic workers.
- 1 (Case 60297) is a Student's Pass holder who arrived from Italy for studies in Singapore.

Source:  MOH

2) 72-year-old man has a cardiac arrest on the same day as Covid19 vaccination

No indication Covid19 vaccination caused cardiac arrest. The man has a history of cancer, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. He was vaccinated on Tuesday morning and taken to hospital in the evening for cardiac arrest.

Further tests are made to check the cause. Given the coincidence of the timing, it would probably lead some (especially conspiracy theorist) to infer that it is due to the vaccination regardless of the findings.

Source: ST

3) Connect@ Changi facility opens to allow business travellers to meet without quarantine

Short Term business travellers from all countries will be able to stay and have in person meetings at a dedicated facility. The facility can host up to 1300 business travellers at one time.  Visitors must stay in the facilities throughout the stay and take Covid19 test in lieu of quarantine. Those tested negative can have meetings through floor to ceiling air-tight panels with local businessmen and businessmen from other countries..

Makes us wonder what happened to Google Meet? 

There is already a booking by Advanced MEd Tech Holdings, a goal medical technology firm focusing on urology devices and service.

Source: ST

4) 38-year-old woman killed by falling tree in Marsiling Park

She was jogging at that time when the tree fell. This incident is an eerie reminder of a 40m tall tembusa tree falling and killing a 38-year-old woman at Botanic Gardens back in 2017

She was wearing noise cancelling earphones and thus could not hear the tree break. When you are out, regardless if you are exercising or walking, it is best not to use noise cancelling earphones as you have to be aware of your surrounding.

Source: ST

5) Long Queues at Ikea for a box

IKEA LEGO launched the Bygglek LEGO storage boxes. There were long line at Ikea for this. At least half of them are resellers since ads began to pop up on carousel after the launch.

Source: TWD

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