Baby's Room Can't Do Without These: Must-haves For Any Newborn - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Baby's Room Can't Do Without These: Must-haves For Any Newborn

As many expecting parents know, preparing for a newborn's arrival is mixed up with stress and excitement, especially in terms of designing your baby's nursery. 

There is a lot expected to be done at the arrival of a newborn, but only a few things are necessarily important to be done. But in this case, once you get in hold with the must-have items, you are good to go to welcome your newborn home. 

What are the must-haves of a baby's Room? Don't panic. Below are the essential items needed in a baby's room that will help you discover what is needed during the period of your baby's growth. 

In most cases, some parents prefer to get a complete nursery furniture package to be certain that they have all they will need. On the other hand, some parents choose to buy piece by piece as time goes on and their budget allows it. Keep reading to discover the must-have items of a baby's Room. 

A Crib

Your baby will be spending almost all day sleeping for the first few months. So the first thing that you need on your list to prepare your baby's room is a place for your baby to sleep comfortably. Parents usually choose three main points, and most parents often choose 2 out of the three available options. 

A Crib is a baby to toddler-size bed that is normally the focal point of your nursery space. Choose a Crib that fits in with your region's safety standards and easily adjustable in terms of height. This way, your baby can be easily laid down without much bending and also adjust as your baby learns to sit and stand. 

Ensure that the crib you choose is sturdy and made out of quality and durable materials. Most parents also decide to get a bassinet and you can click here for some great options. Bassinets are made use of when your baby is a newborn. They have smaller mattresses than a crib, and they are also portable. Bassinets are best for carrying your baby around to keep a close watch on them while they sleep. 

The third known option is the bedside sleeper. These are attached to your adult bed, allow you to comfortably sleep beside your baby, and provide easier access to your baby, most notably when breastfeeding. 


In most cases, some parents decide to reduce the cost by purchasing a fairly used mattress for their baby from a friend or relative. This is regarded to not be healthy. Experts from the SIDs foundation found hidden dangers from used mattresses, which parents should be mindful of. 

If you wish to reduce the cost while preparing your baby's room, you may want to choose a second-hand crib instead and then buy a brand new mattress for hygienic purposes and to avoid allergens. 

A Nursing Chair

A nursing chair could be any chair, as long as it allows you to comfortably sit down and nurse your baby. Most importantly, this chair allows you to lean, rock, swivel and put your feet up. A newborn will feed every hour or more, so ensure your chair is ready as possible. 

Drawers And Dressers

Babies, despite being small, require a lot of clothing because they ought to change clothes 3-4 times a day. This only means that it is necessary to have closet space. We recommend getting a drawer or dresser for your baby that will contain all the clothes, washcloths, socks, bibs, etc., that they will need. A drawer or dresser can also be used as a changing table, so there is no cause for buying a changing table, mostly if you are tight on budget. 


You will surely need diapers, even lots of them! A newborn is set out to consume nothing less than 70 diapers in a week. It is impossible to know ahead of time what size of diaper your baby will need, so it's worth buying small quantities of different sizes. 


Of course, your baby cannot do without clothes. Your baby will need various clothes such as pyjamas, a t-shirt, leggings, sweaters, socks, hats, special outfits, and undershirts. Clothes are essential to keep your little ones warm, and the best outfit for warmth is a sweater or jacket. You will also need lots of socks, and maybe some booties. Your newborn doesn't need shoes yet, and they are not necessary till your baby starts walking. 

There are varieties of items to be bought as soon as a baby is born, and it all starts with the maternity bag you brought to the hospital when your water broke. But take note that there are more items to be bought than less, but rather than making excessive spendings, you should purchase the must-have items a baby's Room requires, and these items are listed above. 

Setting up your baby's room is fun, of course, especially when you are sure of what your baby's room should have. Start with the above-listed items needed in a baby's room and watch how you will be more than ready to have everything set for your baby. 

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