Circuit Breaker 1.5? Here are the restrictions and difference between the Original Circuit Breaker - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Circuit Breaker 1.5? Here are the restrictions and difference between the Original Circuit Breaker

Circuit Breaker is here... or is it?

New restrictions are introduced to counter the ever-growing community spread. This comes after 10 years where new restrictions rolled us back to Phase 2 ver 2.0.  While there is no official name for the next phase, many are already calling it Circuit Breaker 2.0. We would prefer the term CB1.5

Here is the list of restrictions. 

CB 1.0 vs CB 1.5

  • No Restrictions of Movement

There is no restriction of movement. While we are asked to stay at home as much as possible, you could still head out to buy food, exercise in parks and meet 1 friend or relative.

  • Open Air Stadiums are still open

You can still here out to the park to exercise

  • Parents are allowed to drop Grandchildren daily at Grandparent's places

This was not allowed during CB1

  • No Home Based Learning

Despite the presence of Covid19 in 6 schools and June, holidays are around the corner, HBL will not be introduced for now.

  • Workplaces are not suspended

Unlike CB 1, where only essential services are open, retail shops, tuition centres, malls, attractions remain open for business. There are however some restrictions on a number of crowds.

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