Turning Point - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Turning Point

Daily Dose: Turning Point

At some point in most people's lives, there will be a turning point. It could be marrying the girl of your dream. For many, having children changed one's perspective of life. For others, embarking on a new career would be on the cards.

Today, I am officially doing my first presentation in my new job. For those wondering what it is, it's actually not that difficult to guess.  For the moment, it will be kept under wraps. It has kept me pretty tied up for the past week, hence the reduced frequency of updates. Finally, I had managed to secure a few appointments for the day. Today is my turning point.

Speaking of a turning point, Singapore reached its turning point with a single-digit COVID-19 case ( including imports). Not only have local cases dropped, the imported cases dropped as well. Given that we are only a few days away from the end of Phase 2 HA, have we reached a turning point?

1) 9 COVID-19 Cases

  • 3 Community
  • 1 Dorm
  • 5 Imported

Overall numbers looked impressive. However, the emergence of dorm cases raised a few eyebrows. Moreover, 3 local cases (including dorm) were unlinked. Overall, we are looking good. If the unlinked cases can be ring-fenced in time, it will not be alarming.

Source: MOH


2) Getting Vaccinated. Here are the Dos and Donts before and after your COVID-19 jab

I know someone actually went for a 5km run hours after a jab...

Before vaccination:

• Ensure you are well-rested and healthy before each jab. If you feel unwell, visit the doctor and postpone the vaccination if necessary.
• Schedule a day or two of rest at home after each jab.
• Eat nutritious, well-balanced meals with fruit and vegetables.
• Read up on vaccines and their side effects.
• Avoid alcohol before and after vaccination as it can cause dehydration and worsen nausea.
• Avoid trying anything new, such as a food product or cosmetics, before and after vaccination.
• For teenagers, talk to your grandparents or parents to find out about their vaccination experience, so you know what to expect and how to cope.
• Prepare some paracetamol to treat side effects.

After vaccination:

• Apply a cool towel over the injection site to create a cold compress to reduce any swelling and pain.
• Try not to strain the injected arm and keep the injection site clean.
• Stay hydrated and get ample rest. Take one to two days off, if necessary.
• Avoid strenuous activities, such as hiking or swimming, right after the vaccination.
• Monitor your health and look out for any symptoms. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.
• Follow a balanced diet, get enough sleep and exercise regularly to boost the immune system. You can also take vitamin C to boost your immunity.

Source: ST


3) Bakery in Ion Orchard Mall, supermarket in People's Park Complex among places visited by COVID-19 cases while infectious.

  • Four Leaves bakery at Ion Orchard on June 3 between 9am and 4pm, June 4 between 1pm and 9.30pm, June 5 between 9am and 9.30pm and June 6 between 1pm and 9.30pm
  • Scarlett Supermarket at People’s Park Complex on June 3 between 4.45pm and 5.20pm
  • A Decathlon sporting goods store at The Centrepoint mall on June 6 between 10am and 11am
  • A Uniqlo store at Orchard Central mall on June 6 between 11am and 11.45am

Source: Today



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