Change in protocol for schools with Covid-19 cases? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Change in protocol for schools with Covid-19 cases?

A few days ago, we reported that 2 schools had children with Covid19.

Both schools did close for a few days, with one of them undergoing HBL for a few days.

Over the weekend, another 2 schools (Opera Estate Primary and Naval Base Primary) reported positive COVID-19 cases. Unlike pre Phase 2 HA, there is no HBL for the schools. Instead, the affected children and the close contact were placed on Leave of Absence. Both schools are primary schools.

Looking at the letters we received from parents, MOE has a new protocol for schools. Instead of HBL, it will be targetted LOA to students and staff.

Unfortunately, we could not get any clarification from MOE as these are not published in the mainstream media. It's just a heads up for those  anticipating HBL, given the high number of cases from the recent KTV and market clusters. 

It looks like we will be moving in a different direction for this new wave. With most secondary school students vaccinated, the most likely to be affected by Covid-19 will be primary and pre-schoolers. Base on past reports, students of this age tend to have mild reactions to Covid-19. As a result, this new protocol might raise a few eyebrows, but it should not be surprising. 

Regardless, continue to stay vigilant. If your child is unwell, do not send them to school. 

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