NDP 2021 Postponded : 5 Things to Know - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

NDP 2021 Postponded : 5 Things to Know


For the first time in Singapore's history, NDP was postponed.

Instead of AUG 9 celebration, it will now be changed to AUG 21. This was unprecedented and attributed to the rising COVID-19 numbers. Last year, when the NDP was held, there was an average of over 250 Covid19 cases per day.  Compared to the current rate of 180 cases a day, it looks like an over-reaction.

However, the difference was that the cases were localised at dorms while the current wave of infection is islandwide. While dorms were locked down in 2020, Singapore remains open despite the reintroduction of Phase 2 Heighten Alert from July 22 to Aug 18. 

Here are 5 things to note about this change

1) NDP is NOT cancelled

The main celebration is postponed but there will be a ceremonial parade taking place on Aug 9 at the Float. This will be similar to the one held at the Padang last year. The other celebrations planned will be postponed till Aug 21.

2) Fireworks and Red Lions parachute event at the heartlands will be cancelled

The events slated to take place from 7 to 8 will be cancelled.

3) Rehearsals and preview shows for NDP will be postponed

They were initially planned for 24 Jul and 31 Jul. The last rehearsal had attracted large crowds. Given the current spread of the virus, it is not surprising that it was postponed. Rehearsals for NDP on Aug 21 will also not be announced to discourage crowds from gathering.

4) Holidays to remain

As of now Aug 9 remains a National Holiday. As for Aug 10, it remains a scheduled school holiday as per the MOH website. CurrentlyAug 21 is NOT designated as a Holiday.

5) NDP Rally will be held on Aug 29 instead of Aug 22.

The traditional NDP rally will also be postponed in tandem with the parade from Aug 22 to Aug 29.

While there will be disappointments, it is perhaps the right thing to do at this given moment.

To quote this year's NDP song - The Road ahead

When the moments turn to hours
And the day’s last light is gone
Look around us always and remember

There were times we were uncertain
But we just kept walking on
It’s always darkest just before the dawn

See this island, every grain of sand
Hear this anthem, it’s the voices of our friends
Come whatever on the road ahead
We did it before, and we’ll do it again


  1. Hi, I searched the MOH website but no info about the holiday. Are you able to provide the link?

    1. Look under scheduled school holidays https://www.moe.gov.sg/news/press-releases/20200817-school-terms-and-holidays-for-2021


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