Crucial Medical Staff Tips on How to Find Accurate Information Online - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Crucial Medical Staff Tips on How to Find Accurate Information Online


You can find all sorts of information on the internet, but unfortunately, some information is incorrect, inaccurate, or outdated. 

When it comes to medical information, reading and applying the wrong kind of information can put you in danger. With the overwhelming quantity of articles online, it is challenging to find accurate information and even more difficult to verify it. No matter what kind of information you are seeking, don’t rely on it unless you run it by your doctor. However, if you want to look for something medical-related, here are some crucial medical staff tips on how to find accurate information on the internet.

Who Runs the Website?

Websites are money-generating machines for commercial purposes, but they also cost money to create and update regularly. You must be aware of who or what entity is sponsoring or funding the website. You can easily check by checking the last three letters of the website address (URL). If it ends with .gov, then it is associated with a US government agency. If the URL ends with .edu, then it represents an educational institution such as a school or a university. URLs containing .org are associated with nonprofit organizations while .com addresses are for commercial websites.

Who Wrote the Information?

The authors of the articles you read must have trustworthy credentials, and the articles must be reviewed by a well-known institution. You must know if the author of the article is an expert on the subject, what degrees they have, and what the goals of the organization they are connected to are. Reputable websites will have “Contact Us” or “About” pages to allow you to verify the authors of their articles and to even contact them if needed.

When Was the Information Published?

Outdated information might not be harmful, but it is better if you acquire more up-to-date information. Search for websites that update their content regularly, the medical staff at United Medical Education says that up-to-date information is more reliable and it can benefit your health more than outdated ones. However, you mustn’t apply any of the advice you find on the internet without consulting your doctor first. 

What Is the Website Selling?

One of the easiest ways to determine if the website is biased or not is to check if they are selling any products related to the articles they publish. For example, if you are looking for ways to lose weight and you found the website mentioning their product, then they are steering you towards their product. However, they might still be reliable but they are biased towards their product, and you can also look for non-biased articles to verify their information.

Where Are the Facts Coming From?

If you read anything on the internet, don’t believe it until you see the sources of that information. This approach is crucial for medical information. Reliable websites will list either their scientific research results or the sources of the information. Most articles have hyperlinks to show the sources they used while researching a specific topic. Click on the hyperlink to verify that the source is reliable and read the scientific research and check its publishing date.

Finding accurate medical information on the internet might be challenging in the beginning, but once you have identified reliable websites, you will count on them for the information you need. You must ask yourself all the questions in this article before relying on the information you found online. You must know who runs the website, the author of the article, the date of publishing if the website sells any products, and the sources for the information provided. No matter how accurate the information you find online seems to be, you must talk to your doctor to know if it is right for you.

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