How To Prevent Or Lower The Risk Of Allergies In Babies - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

How To Prevent Or Lower The Risk Of Allergies In Babies

Allergies are caused by the immune system reacting to a harmless substance, such as pollen. 

Allergens can be inhaled or ingested and allergies in babies can cause many problems including eczema and asthma. This article will discuss how allergies develop and what you can do to prevent allergies from developing in your baby.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

It is important to be aware of the allergies that are common in your area and those allergies that you or other family members have. We all know that a newborn's skin is sensitive in many ways. If allergies run in your family, it's more likely for a baby to develop allergies as well. Also consider what type of allergens may be present where you live such as pet dander, dust mites, mold spores, and pollen from trees and flowers.

You can prevent allergies by limiting exposure to these allergens before they cause an allergic reaction. However, if you do suspect your child has developed allergies then there are treatments available including immunotherapy (allergy shots).

The environment around us plays a role in whether we will develop allergies but genetics also play a big part. Some babies seem less susceptible than others and allergies tend to run in families.

Keep Baby's Room Clean

Cleaning your baby's room is one of the most important things you can do to prevent allergies. Be sure to keep their toys and clothes picked up, vacuum often (especially if you have pets), avoid using scented sprays or plug-in air fresheners, wash all bedding in hot water weekly, use a dehumidifier during damp months like spring and fall, remove carpets while they are young.

If cleaning your baby’s room seems impossible then consider an alternative for keeping allergens at bay such as placing air purifiers or humidifiers throughout the house. Also, be aware that allergies tend to get worse with age so allergies may become more intense over time even when exposure is limited.

Cover Furniture with Plastic Covers

Another way to limit allergies is to cover your upholstered furniture and rugs with plastic covers. These types of covers not only keep allergens contained but also reduce the amount of dust that settles on them between deep cleanings which can be done once a week or as needed.

If you prefer using natural fabric for covering furniture then consider purchasing an allergen barrier such as Allersafe allergy encapsulation slipcovers. This type of cover has been tested by scientists at several universities including University College Cork in Ireland, Michigan State University, Ohio State University, and Virginia Tech where it was found to have superior performance over traditional fabrics when containing pet dander particles.

Check for Mites and Mold in the Home

Another thing to do is check for mites and mold in the home. This can be done by checking under your sink, behind drapes or furniture, around windows and doors as well as any sources of humidity such as bathtubs or basins that don’t have a plug.

Also, consider using enzymatic cleaners on carpets rather than regular household cleaners which contain many harsh chemicals. These types of products will clean surfaces while also killing dust mites and other allergens so you won't need to worry about allergies developing later down the road because these pesky little creatures are eradicated from their environment.

Wash All Clothes Before Wearing Them

Last but not least, allergies can develop when you wear clothes that have been worn by someone else without washing them first. This rule applies to everyone in your family so be sure to wash any items of clothing or bedding before wearing them or placing them on furniture for use.

Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming is another important practice to ensure allergies don't develop from the dust and other allergens that accumulate in your carpets, rugs, furniture, bedding, upholstered furniture, etc.

If you have allergies yourself then this will be more difficult but it's still possible so long as you use an effective vacuum cleaner that has a strong enough suction power to remove even stubborn particles like pet dander or pollen while also having additional features such as HEPA filters for trapping microscopic allergens without allowing them back into the air during cleaning sessions.

As you can see allergies are an annoyance and they also pose a threat to the health of babies causing asthma and eczema which may require doctor's visits, medications (both prescription and over-the-counter), creams/lotions, other treatments including surgery depending on what type of allergy is present. We hope that this blog helped you to prevent some of the causes of allergies.

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