The Puny Pinch Review : Dumplings that oozes in your mouth - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

The Puny Pinch Review : Dumplings that oozes in your mouth


If you are a dumpling fan, here's a little treat.

New kid on the block, The Puny Pinch has some dumplings variety that will surely delight your tastebuds.

The Puny Pinch is a homemade business that specialised in dumplings. The dumplings contain no pork, no lard and alcohol and are lovingly made by a young trained chef with experience at renowned local hotels.

The Puny Pinch Dumplings

Their dumplings or Jiaozi consist of 4 different variations.

4 Different Flavours

The Classic Trio 

The Classic Trio

The Classic Trio is filled with Ginger, Garlic, Onion and Chicken. This is the classic version of dumplings you could find in most stores.  We reckon that this is on par with the other dumplings we had tried.

The Classic Trio

The Humble Chick

The Humble Chick

The naming of the dumpling tickles us. Filled with chickpea, Coriander, chicken and garlic butter, the garlic butter flavour squeezes through the fillings. One of our favourite picks from TPP.

The Fun Guy

The Fun Guy

 The Fun Cuy is a Japanese interpretation of a dumpling. Shitake, tofu, miso, honey are the main fillings. This is a sweet treat with Shitake mushroom taking center stage.

The Fun Guy

Shrimp Bandung

Shrimp Bandung

Last but not least is the Shrimp Bandung. For those who want a little spice in their dumplings, this would be the one to choose. Filled with Vanamei shrimps, spice mix, chestnut, pineapple, this is our favourite of the lot.

You can opt to stream or fry the dumplings. We opted to fry and was suitability impressed with the flavours. There is even a burst of sauce with each bite.

 Of the lot, our favourite has to be the Nimble Chick and Shrimp Bandung. 

You could easily identify the different dumplings by the size of the skin. The dumpling fillings were generous and good for a few munches.

Each packet has 8 pieces of dumplings in them. You can keep the dumplings in the freezer for up to 3 months before consumption.  You can make an order from their Instagram page here.

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