The Almighty Sometimes Review : A realistic play about Mental Health - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

The Almighty Sometimes Review : A realistic play about Mental Health

Heartbreaking, humourous and honest.

The Almighty Sometimes is a play that puts Mental Health into the spotlight. Mental Health has always been a topic that is skirted on the side and hardly conversation fodder. However, Singapore Repertory Theatre's debut play brings to light the impact of mental illness on a typical family facing it. While each family facing mental health may encounter different experiences, this 'no holds barred'   play portrays a realistic outlook that brings the audience to experience a heartbreaking insight into the world of mental health.


The Almighty Sometimes is essentially a family drama about love, life and letting go, no matter what the consequences will be. It follows the path chosen by Anna, a long-term mental health patient who had been on medication since her formative years. On turning 21, she decided to stop her medication as she felt it hindered her discovery of her talent and passion. Her mother remains determined to protect her, but Anna's treatment is no longer her decision.

While initially embracing her born-again zest for writing, the decision ultimately led to her relapse, bringing her life into the abyss.

A masterpiece in acting

Photo Credit: SRT

First of all, kudos to the brilliant talent on the stage. Arielle Jasmine Van Zuijien gave a realistic and unflinching performance as the disturbed Anna. Her mannerism and pace stole the show. As a watching audience, you would be drawn to her plight and empathise with her situation. During the play, one is tempted to reach out to give the character support and love. 

Photo Credit: SRT

The supporting cast of Karen Tan ( Anna's Mother-Renee), Salif Hardie (Oliver) and Shona Benson (Vivienne) were equally engaging. Salif had the crowd smiling with some humourous scenes. Karen had us up at our wit's end with her struggles and hard decisions, while Shona had us divided in her role as Anna's doctor.

Photo Credit: SRT

It was a performance filled with humour, pain and a little sunshine.


While The Almighty Sometimes is a play on Mental Health, it may not be necessary for the play to bring one with mental health to the play. Daniel Jenkins (Director) did a splendid job setting a realistic tone for the play. That said, because of the realism, it may bring trigger some. 

While the play has its light moments, the deep dive into the depth of Mental Illness can be uncomfortable for some. While the show does not deviate in terms of a complicated storyline, the play has made us take a closer look at our own interpretation of mental illness. It also brought attention (or the lack thereof) to the roles of caregivers. So often, caregivers are not part of the dialogue on mental health. This play showed us that mental health can impact patients and caregivers in the long run. 

Photo Credit: SRT

The Almighty Sometimes is a play that will bring conversations about Mental Health to the table. Given the context of Mental Health in today's society, it is difficult. Watching the play is a good start, especially for family members experiencing Mental health within the family. This play will be insightful with its true-to-life interpretation of Mental Heath.

That said, it may not be suitable for younger kids or for those experiencing mental health. So do take note when booking. For caregivers, it will be a play that one can resonate with.

The Almighty Sometimes

Nov 8 to 25, weekdays 8pm, Saturdays, 3 and 8pm

KC Arts Theatre - Home of SRT

Tickets from $50

Book your tickets here.


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