April 2023 2nd Bidding COE Results : Cat A breaks 100K! - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

April 2023 2nd Bidding COE Results : Cat A breaks 100K!


COE continues to rise for Cat A, B and E 

In the 2nd COE bidding exercise for April 2023, COE falls for all categories. Cat A, B and E rose to all time high.

Cat A (Cars up to 1600cc) had 750 bids vs a quota of 507 and increased by $7,220. It closed at $103,721.

Cat B (Cars above 1600cc) had 553 bids vs a quota of 430 and increased by $2,388. It closed at $120,889.

Cat C (Goods, Vehicle and Bus) had 116 bids vs a quota of 51 and decreased by $1,467. It closed at $76,801.

Cat D (Motorcycles) had 510 bids vs a quota of 465 and increased by $178. It closed at $12,179

Cat E (Open Category) had 252 bids vs a quota of 137 and increased by $5,511. It closed at $124,501

Will you bid for a new car?

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