Partial Solar Eclipse Singapore - 20 Apr 2023 - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Partial Solar Eclipse Singapore - 20 Apr 2023


Mark your calendar.

In a few days, you can catch a rare Partial Solar Eclipse from Singapore.

The Eclipse will be happening between 11am to 1pm. 

How to watch the Eclipse?

Source: Singapore Science Center

Do not stare directly at the Sun.  You will run the risk of ultraviolet light burning your retina. This can cause damage, including sunburn of the cornea-known as solar keratitis. Instead, use Special glasses to safety look at the solar eclipse. Do note that sunglasses ARE NOT suitable for viewing a solar eclipse.

To view the Solar Elipse safely head down to Ecograden at Singapore Science Centre from 11am-1pm. It is complimentary with Science Centre Singapore Admission Ticket. You can also get a pair of solar glasses from the Curiosity Shop at $5 each.

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