Cost of Living Special Payment is credited from today - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Cost of Living Special Payment is credited from today

 Have you received your "Ang Pow" yet?

Cost of Living (COL) Special Payment will be credited to your account from today.

2023 COL Special Payment

This is what you can expect to get.

You will be eligible if 

  • You are a Singaporean aged 21 years old or above in 2023
  • Your Assessable Income (AI) for Year of Assessment (YA) 2022 is $100,000 or below; and
  • You do not own more than one property.
2023 COL Senior's Bonus

Senior will get an additional bonus, you are eligible for 2023 COL senior's bonus, if:

  • You are a Singaporean aged 55 years old or above in 2023;
  • Your Assessable Income (AI) for Year of Assessment (YA) 2022 is not more than $34,000;
  • The Annual Value of your home (as indicated on your NRIC) must not exceed $21,000; and
  • You do not own more than one property
Check your accounts to see if the funds are in!

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