PSLE Result will be out on 22 Nov 2023 : What to do next? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

PSLE Result will be out on 22 Nov 2023 : What to do next?

PSLE Result will be out on 22 Nov 2023 Wed 11am.

Unlike last year, where the results can be viewed online, students are expected to return to their primary schools for the results. Here is the sequence of things to do during and after the collection of results.

Result Day: 22 November

Collection from School

School candidates must collect their results from the respective primary schools. The details for the individual schools will be shared by the schools with their students. Those unable to return to school to collect results may appoint a proxy by Friday, 24 November 2023.

Choosing Secondary School 

Students are encouraged to consider schools holistically. While School cut-off point from last year can serve as a reference, other factors to consider include school culture, distinctive programmes, subject offerings and Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs). Full Subject Based Banding (Full SBB) will be fully implemented in 120 secondary schools from 2024 S1 Cohort.

Full Secondary School Cut off points can be found here.

The majority of schools will be having their open house this weekend. Students are encouraged to visit the school open house to assess if the school is suitable for them.

Secondary School Open House dates can be found here.

Other than open houses, details on the individual schools can also be found on SchoolFinder.

Submission of Secondary School Choices and Options:  22 Nov to 28 Nov

S1 Option form to select secondary schools will be given to eligible students with their PSLE results. The S1 Option Form provides key information regarding the submission. A unique S1 Personal Identification Number (S1 PIN) can be found on the top-right-hand corner of the S1 Option Form. Students should use the S1 PIN to log in to the Secondary 1 Internet System (S1-IS) and submit their S1 school choices and options online. 

Submission Timeline :  22 Nov 1130 am to 28 Nov 3pm through MOE's S1 Posting website at

Number of choices

Each candidate will have 6 school choices. In the event of a tie, the choice would play a big part in the AL system. If a candidate has similar citizenship and score, the one who has the school as a first choice will get priority over another who places the school as a second choice.

Tiebreaker rules

  1. First, Citizenship (Singapore Citizen has the highest priority, then Permanent Resident, and lastly, International Student)
  2. Second, school choice order (first choice over the second choice, and so on)
  3. If citizenship status and school choice order are the same, then computerised balloting will determine who to admit.

In the 2021 S1 Posting, the overall proportion of students who underwent computerised balloting was 1 in 10.

Choosing a school based on AL score and MERIT

Having at least 2 to 3 schools where your child's PSLE is comfortably better than the school's Cut Off Point is advisable. Fill in all 6 choices instead of just a few.

Use the school finder to assess the suitability of the school based on

  • Programmes, subjects, CCA offered
  • School Culture
  • Location and Transportation

Release of Secondary 1 Posting Results : 20 DEc to 22 Dec (Tentative Dates)

The S1 Posting Results will be released between Wed 20 Dec 2023, to Friday, 22 Dec 2023. The posting results can be accessed through the following channels.

  • Short Message Service (SMS) via a local mobile number (if provided by the applicant during the application process);
  • S1-IS ( using the student's Birth Certificate number / FIN and the S1 PIN; or
  • At the student's primary school.
Appeal to Transfer

Appeals to transfer can be done under 2 circumstances.

Serious Medical conditions 

If you assess that the posted secondary school is unable to accommodate your child's physical health, you may appeal for a transfer.  The appeals can be filed at your posted secondary school in person by 12pm on the following working day after the release of posting results. Appeals will only be considered on an exceptional basis for students with

  •  Serious medical conditions, such as chronic heart conditions or kidney problems.
  •  Severe physical impairments, such as those requiring permanent use of a wheelchair.

Transfers are subjected to vacancies. Students seeking transfers should continue to attend their posted secondary school until the transfer is approved.

Non-medical Reasons

  •  Appeals are to be made directly to the preferred school. To find out about the appeal process, visit the respective school website.
  •  The child's PSLE score MUST meet the school's cut-off point (COP) of the posting year. 
  • The child must meet the school's admission criteria.
  •  The outcome will only be known from mid-January. Schools may also not be able to accept appeals due to limited vacancies.

For more details refer to MOE website.

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