Junior League Parkway Parade - Auntie Amy - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Junior League Parkway Parade - Auntie Amy

Junior League Parkway Parade
We went for a haircut on Saturday at Parkway Parade after my class at Tsien Hsia
We had our haircut by our regular stylist, Auntie Amy at Junior League.

Junior League is a specialised children haircut place. They have a video screen for kids as well as toys for kids to play with. In addition they give free balloons, stickers and sweets after a haircut. The place looked the same as it was 5 years ago (so do the toys) and stickers were not as attractive as before (only barbie doll stickers). However we were not there for the ambience but rather for one specific hairstylist.

Our hairstylist, Auntie Amy had been cutting my hair since I was a baby .
I had managed to sit on my own since I was 2, before that I was quite a terror and haircut sessions can be nightmares for my parents.

Little Bro seems to follow my footstep. He dislike to get his hair cut as well. Usually Daddy would hold him and he would struggle like a mini hulk. However this time round, L actually sat on his own for most part of the haircut... he is improving.

Auntie Amy
We think Auntie Amy is a good child hairstylist and would recommend her to parents (especially those with screaming kids) She is still able to do her job and give us a good hairstyle no matter how we struggle.
Different Hairstyles
We chose number 9 as our hairstyle. However we did see Auntie Amy cutting other styles as well.
The cost of the haircut is at $22 per person.

Do keep the receipt. Every 8 receipts gives you 1 free haircut.
Before- After
We went from K Pop hairstyles (Defined as bob look with hair covering ears) to something more clean cut.

Mommy thinks we look nicer with longer hair.
What do you think?

Share with us your stories on haircut!
Before - After

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