Gardens by the Bay for Kids! - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Gardens by the Bay for Kids!

Tickets to Gardens by the Bay
The last time Daddy came to have his exclusive tour at the Gardens by the Bay, he had forgotten several important things... his wacky sons and lovely wife!
He decided to bring us out and give us an exclusive tour to make it up to us.

We are going to the gardens!
Feeling like superstars, we decided to break into a dance routine to celebrate!

Flower Dome

It was raining when we reach. As a result, we had to skip the heritage gardens and the world of plants. Instead, we paid for two conservatories tickets at $20 (Adult) $12 ( 3-12) and head straight to the main attractions of Gardens by the Bay.

Tip: There is an additional 10% discount for holders of PAssion Card, NTUC Plus! card, SAFRA Card and Home Team NS Card

Our first stop is the Flower Dome. We love the cool-dry Mediterranean climate. We were deck out in our windbreakers, hoping that the temperature would be cool and nice for an afternoon exploration.
The Flower Garden
We headed to the tallest point at the Flower Dome. We were wow by the colourful garden that greeted us on the balcony.

Tip: Turn left at the entrance for the highest peak

Along the way, we came across several structures. Look carefully, and you may even spot some elephants.
It was indeed a visual treat for us!
Strike a Pose
The next stop would be the stars of the Flower Dome... if you have guessed it is the flowers, you are right!
These flowers would be rare to breed in Singapore hot weather. Most likely than not, they would not be able to survive in our gardens. However, under the control climate of the Dome, we get to see various colourful flowers. It is a sight that we would probably only have the chance to see when we are overseas.

There are many pockets of photo opportunities within the flower garden. The flowers do provide amazing backdrops for nice photographs.

Tip: Don't forget your camera!

Game of Thrones
We took several family and individual photos. We intend to use these for the Singtel "Home Without Walls" contest.

Too bad most of our family shots turn out to be out of focus. This is the best shot we have as a family.

TWD @ Gardens by the Bay
We love the coolness and openness of the Flower Dome. You could easily spend as much as 1 hour there if you intend to walk through the whole of the gardens.

Giant touchscreen
Being expert Ipad users, we were delighted by the giant touch screen located near the exit. Needless to say, we decided to explore it. In the process, I had also learned a few valuable lessons on the impact of cutting trees and replacinthemit with buildings on the environment. Daddy thinks the edutainment aspect of the gardens is certainly effective... at least for me.
I had this conversation with Daddy the next night to catch a glimpse of fireworks from our house. Our view was partially blocked by trees.

Daddy: Alamak, the trees are too tall. We can only see part of the fireworks. Maybe next time we should ask them to cut down the trees.

Me: Daddy, don't cut down the trees, next time if we want to see fireworks, we just move house...

Daddy thought I was very sensible in saying that, and he felt embarrassed by the suggestion of cutting down the trees for our convenience.
After the Flower Dome, we took an elephant ride to the Cloud Forest (Yeah, right...)

Elephant rides
Cloud Forest

Map of Cloud Forest
The Cloud Forest's main areas are the Lost World, the fall, the cloud walk, the tree top walk, and the secret gardens.

We were all amazed by the sight of the fall when we entered the Cloud Forest Dome. This time we decided to put on our jackets before we ascend to the top of the mountain.

The Lost World
Our first stop is the Lost World. Daddy had told me that I can find the Venus Flytrap in the Lost World. My interest is pipped as I fascinate plants ever since I got to know Poison Ivy from the Batman series. In my mind, I envisioned the Venus Flytrap to be a huge plant that would snap at me when I get close.

Venus Flytrap
To my relief, the version we have here is rather small. At most, it can only catch a fly.

Cloud Forest Mountain

Cloud Walk
Next, we proceed to the Cloud Walk. There was supposed to be mist to represent clouds, but the mist machines were not operating when we were walking. It was also quite crowded, so we had a rather brisk walk through the clouds.

We had a quick stop at the crystal mountain and the waterfall view
Crystal Mountain
and proceed quickly to the cloud walk.

There were some flowers found along the cloud walk. However, they were in less quantity compared to the flower dome.

Before our way out to the secret garden, we stopped by a dark room for a show to explain what Earth would be like if the temperature is raised by 5 degrees.

5-degree exhibit

Secret Gardens
We cap off our adventure with a walk through the secret gardens. After almost 2 hours of exploring the gardens, we got a little tired, restless and hungry. So Daddy decided it is time for food!
There was a cluster of mini restaurants at the Supertrees dining. The prices are very reasonable, with each dish mostly price below $10. Daddy and Mummy had Nasi Lemak from Hill Street Coffee Shop. Other dining options avaliable there include Peach Garden Noodle House, Texas Chicken, Canelé Pâtisserie Chocolaterie and Casa Verde.

We ended our day by watching the OCBC Garden Rhapsody (2 shows at 745pm and 845pm Daily). We even managed to catch the National Day Fireworks. We will be updating our blog for a night peek at Gardens by the Bay soon!

As we had missed exploring the rest of the Gardens attractions due to rain, we would most probably make a trip back again once the Tadpole Garden and Satay Club are ready!

Flower Dome @ Night
The little Details
18 Marina Gardens Drive Singapore 018953
Opening hours
Bay South Garden is open from 05:00 AM to 02:00 AM daily. Opening hours for the Cooled Conservatories and OCBC Skyway is from 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM daily.
Garden Admission 
Access to the outdoor gardens in Bay South is free. The admission charges to the Cooled Conservatories and the OCBC Skyway are found here
By Car/Taxi:
From ECP heading towards the city
·         Take Exit 17A and turn left onto Marina Place, Continue through to Marina Boulevard, Turn left at Marina Gardens Drive

From ECP heading towards Changi Airport
·         Take Exit 17 and turn right onto Central Boulevard, Turn right onto Marina Station Road, Turn left onto Marina Street, Follow through onto Marina Boulevard, Turn left at Marina Gardens Drive

By MRT/Bus:
Via the Circle Line:
·         Alight at Bayfront MRT Station (CE1), Take exit B and follow the underground linkway, exit and cross the Dragonfly Bridge into Gardens by the Bay
Via the North-South Line:
·         Alight at Marina Bay MRT (NS27/CE2) station, Take exit A and hop onto bus service 400, Alight 4 stops later at the bus stop along Marina Gardens Drive
Walking from Marina Bay   
From the Helix Bridge towards the Art Science Museum, follow the footpath which leads under the ECP, which will bring you directly into Bay South Garden along the waterfront.
Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, walk across the Lions Bridge on Level 4, which connects to the Dragonfly Bridge into Bay South Garden.
The Visitor Centre basement car park with 420 lots is located via the Main Gate. There is another open-air car park with 300 lots located at the Meadow in Bay South Garden. Both car parks are available from 05:00 AM to 02:00 AM daily.

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