Daddy the Avenger - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daddy the Avenger

Dearest Sons

For today I would like to impart on you the secret powers that all Daddies would have. Since one of your favourite toys are the Avengers, I will introduce you an Avenger that has been around for quite a while but never made it big compared to the rest.

Being a father was not the first thing on my mind when I got married to your Mummy in 2003. In fact, we took a 4-year honeymoon before we decide to explore parenthood.

It has been a wonderful 5 year plus since the ‘Daddy’ tag became a part of me. From being ‘Darling’ to my missus, I had become a ‘Daddy’ to my family.
So what does it mean to be a Daddy?

I likened Daddyhood to being an Avenger. You do need the powers of Avengers at different times to be a Daddy.

Captain America - He places his country before self. To be a true superhero Daddy, you have to place the kids before yourself. I would do anything to keep my kids from foul or harm, even giving my life in return for their safety.

The Hulk – There are times when I need to adopt this persona to tame the wild kids. Turing into a Green mass of muscles also allows me to do things I would otherwise have trouble doing like carrying a 20 Kg boy or two while walking 3 km on a holiday trip.

Thor – With the God-like persona and a vocabulary worthy of Shakespeare, Thor will be the perfect teacher to adopt in the education of the kids. As a Daddy, you need to be a handyman as well, fixing up furniture and toys that you buy for the kids. Thus Thor’s hammer would be useful in such cases. 

Ironman - Sometimes all the heart, the physical strength and wit may not be enough for one to handle the kids. Thereby gadgets like Ipad and Xbox does come in Handy for a peaceful moment or two.

Like most Superheros, Daddyhood is a calling. Daddy may be underrated and underappreciated compared to Mummies. Nevertheless, we need Superheros in our lives, albeit one with superficial powers. To be Daddy is like a Superhero who seeks no rewards as it comes from the goodness of the heart.
To see the look of love and adoration akin to Superhero’s admiration in the eyes of the child would be the greatest reward any Daddy, Superhero or otherwise, would be contended with at the end of the day.
I may not be the strongest or the most famous Avenger, but I am the most blessed one of all

With Love

(This article first appears at  Sakura Haraku as a guest post in Celebrate Fatherhood series)

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