U Family - U Picnic Basket PLUS Free Tickets! - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

U Family - U Picnic Basket PLUS Free Tickets!

U Picnic Basket
Sponsored Event

 We are invited by U Family for their U picnic on 6th October. U Family had kindly provided us a picnic basket for a sneak peek.

This is our second event from U Family

See our first event Baby's Day Out - My first National Day Party

The Wacky Duo Looting the basket
About U Family
U Family is a community that advocates the building of strong and happy families by championing work-life integration for working families. U Family makes networking accessible, parenting information available and family activities affordable.
What's is in the basket
What's in the basket?
The Picnic Basket contains 10 items( Excluding the basket)
1) Fair Price Muruku Thick
2) Gardenia Rasin Buns (6 pieces)
3) 3 Carman's Classic Fruit Muesli Bars
4) Robert Rothschild Farm - Roast Red Pepper Bruschetta Topping (For servings on bread)
5) Natural Strawberry organic fortified Soy Beverage
6) Vogel's crunchy honey cluster
7) Tivoli Delicious Cookies
8) U family Fan
9) U family Picnic Mat
10) Fariprice Wet Towel

The food provided looked healthy and yummy. Since it is a picnic for the family, Daddy may prepare additional ham and cheese sandwiches for us.

He did mention he might even pack some  Tau Huay and Chicken Rice for himself. Hopefully this will not get him uninvited !
See you at U Picnic!
About U Picnic
U Picnic promises to redefine your picnic perception and bring you nothing short of 'Food.Fun.Experience'! Enjoy the beautiful sunset with Singapore’s skyline as a scenic backdrop, savour a spread of gastronomic treats, and be entertained by great performances and music throughout the night!

U Picnic
 Giveaway Time!

CROWD agency has kindly sponsored The Wacky Duo with 2 tickets for giveway!
Each ticket admits a family of 4 to the event.
Each ticket also comes with a free picnic basket (at the picnic)

Just 2 easy steps to qualify
1) Like our facebook fanpage 
2) Tell us what is your favourite picnic food by leaving a comment with your facebook name on this post.

Terms and Conditions
1) Open to all with a Singapore Address
2) Only 1 winner per family/household
3) Contest to close on 23rd September
4) Winners will be selected by The Wacky Duo. Most creative entries win!

The Little Details
Date :  6 October 2012 (Saturday)
Time  : 5-9pm
Venue : Marina Barrage

Event Highlights
  • Be part of our record-setting mass freeze frame activity.
  • Be awed by a wide array of children activities.
  • Redeem a free picnic basket with goodies worth more than $30 for every ticket purchased.
  • Stand to win attractive prizes:
    • Don your best picnic outfit in our Best Dressed Family Competition.
    • Display your most creative picnic setup.


  1. home made sandwiches - Koh Jess

  2. Favorite Food? Simple and easy to prepare - Egg mayo sandwiches with juicy lettuce, cucumber and tomato. - Kelvin Ang

  3. Hi, I'd like to participate...
    For picnic, my mom always makes her homemade fried chicken in saffron herbs, served with garlic rice and shrimp crackers, and not to forget lemon tea too-monica.handoyo

    1. Hi Monica, don't forget to like our Facebook fanpage to qualify! Thanks for participating.

  4. Portobello mushroom stuffed with chicken and vegetables. Yummy! :-)
    FB name : Snow Snoopy

  5. Fried beehoon and fruits.
    FB name: Yvonne Chang


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