Pasir Ris Kid's Kampong - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Pasir Ris Kid's Kampong

Pasir Ris Kid's Kampong
A couple of weeks back , we had a relatively quiet weekend. Daddy decided to bring us to somewhere off the beaten track. Given that it is most probably exam period for primary schools, Daddy reckoned that this place would probably be less crowded.

The destination for today adventure will be Pasir Ris Kid's Kampong. Daddy choose this place since we had enjoyed being fishermen during our Lollibox ' Under the Sea' activity. The kid's kampong has a longkang fishing facility for kids.

Entrance to Kid's kampong
This is my second and Louis first time here. The last time when I was here was with my old childcare class about 2 years ago. It has not changed much throughout the years. It still has the same rustic feel to it. A deviation from the pristine malls and new attractions like Gardens by the Bay.

Very old school, very kampong.

See my previous Kid's kampong outing with Daddy.

Admission charges
It cost us $10 per head to fish for guppies in the Longkangs. The 'package' includes 1 hour longkang fishing, 2 packet of animal feeds, 1 ice cream and 1 mineral water. 1 adult can accompany a child below 1 meter. Adult pays the same for fishing if non accompanied. Otherwise, adult entrance is $1. Buckets and nets have to be purchased at $4 each and reusable for future visits.

Start fishing
We started off rather enthusiastically given our fishing 'experience' . Soon we found out the little guppies are surprising a clever species. They managed to evade our treacherous nets for a good 15 minutes or so.

Didi honing his fishing skills
Daddy and mummy volunteered to be our assistance for the remainder of the longkang fishing. They had to interchange to meet the guideline of 1 adult per child who is less than 1 meter. With some guidance, I managed to catch some guppies on my own.

Longkang fishing
At the end of the session, we were allowed to bring the guppies home. As we had a small pond at home, we can 'raise' our guppies there. The uncle was very nice, replacing our 'injured' guppies with healthy guppies. It is good that Maths is taught differently in the kampong as well. We changed about 8 injured guppies for 80 guppies ( ok not 80 but at least double of what was replaced).

Thanks Uncle !
Our next station will be the feeding station. This is a relatively small pet farm where you can get close to some farm animals.

Feeding station
We were greeted by a pool that contains hundreds of koi fishes. These fishes look so huge and menacing. They would track your movement and when out to feed them, their pals would immediately swamp to the same spot creating a feeding frenzy.

Koi fishes

However Didi, the trooper was unfazed by them and continued his feed.

The fish keeper

The feeding exercise took us about 10 minutes. This is only because we decide to move to different parts of the pond to feed once a spot becomes too 'hot' !

At the koi pond
From feeding the piranhas like kois, we moved on to the land animals at the compound.

Other than fishes, we encountered rabbits, ducks, chickens and tortoises at the kids kampong. The animals were not running freely as they would in a real kampong. Nevertheless they are well kept and well fed.

Animals @ Kid's kampong
There is also a pet corner where they have animal shows. However this is available only for school excursions or private parties.

Pet corner
The Kid's kampong was set up in 1997. However it moved to its current premises from 2005 and has been there till today. We reckon Kid's kampong should appeal to pre schoolers and lower primary given the scope and scale of activities available. You would probably schedule about 2 hours for this adventure.

The little details

Kid's kampong is located at Aqua Fauna Centre
No 11 Pasir Ris Farmway 1
Singapore 519353
Sat, Sun and PH 10am-7pm
Weekday 9- 6pm (Please call as they may be close for school excursion)

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