We are U Family Blog Champion - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

We are U Family Blog Champion

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A family that plays together stays together

An age-old maxim that rings through in modern times.
What defines a family; a father, a mother and kids?

How about this scenario - A busy father, a missing mother and rebellious kids?
A family should not be defined by tags or society's perception.

Rather a family is one where we enjoy the company of the whole and each other. A family is one that stays together through thick and thin, accepting the virtues and flaws of one another. A family is one that always makes time for each other. What defines a family is what you nurture in it.

In today's society, it is not easy to maintain the family unit. With rising cost and expectations, more young parents are spending time on careers to make ends meet rather than on building the foundation of the family. Time is a commodity and a luxury, there are trade-offs and sometimes it affects the family.

We seek to be more than just faces our kids see at night. That is why we make it a point to spend more time with the family as a unit. Weekday nights are not all about TV, but rather precious moments of learning and play. Weekends are not about meeting datelines or sleeping in but about spending quality time as a family enjoying experiences and activities. Holidays are not honeymoons, but totally undisturbed, 100% attention, butt busting fun time with the kids. Totally exhausting, totally worth it.

This is how we perceive and hope our family to be, a family that plays together and stays together.

We are delighted with the invitation by U Family to be a part of their family initiative - A group of fun-loving family bloggers under the banner of U Family Blog Champion.

We had been to a few U Family events prior to this invitation. We loved the fact that we could attend and participate as a family unit in these events. In addition, it gives us opportunities to share and network with like-minded families.

Baby Day Out 2012

U Picnic @ Marina Barrage

About U Family
U Family is a community that advocates the building of strong and happy families by championing work-life integration for working families.

Look forward to family bonding events, networking lunches for like-minded working parents and interest groups get-togethers. U Family makes networking accessible, parenting information available and family activities affordable.
- Source U Family

Upcoming Events

Family Night Out Mega Dance24 Nov , 7 pm to 10 pm , The Coliseum, Hard Rock Hotel

Boogie the night away. Hit the dance floor as a family to Music Video (MV) Greatest Hits. Do the Gangnam Style with your kids. For those with 2 right feet, professional instructors will guide you through to be the next Dance star!

U Family network series
18,23 Oct & 22 , 29 Nov , venue and timing varies

Plan ahead to protect your interest: The Lasting Power of Attorney
For more information on the events, please visit here

I am an NTUC U Family Blog Champion, and the above event was attended with a compliment from U Family. U Family is a community that advocates the building of strong and happy families by championing work-life integration for working families.

Be part of U Family, and be the first to know about their many unique activities. Sign up here and get a welcome gift too (while stock last).

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