Bay East Revisited - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Bay East Revisited

Scooting to an awesome view
It's time to head back at Bay East Gardens

We are fans of Bay East and love scooting in the park. This is one of our leisure / sporting activity when we take a break from shopping malls, events and playgrounds.

Hello Mr T
 Before we start out activity, we revisit our favourite tortoises by the lake to give them some food. They were glad to see us and in some instances got on shore to get up close and personal.
Scooter boy
Bay East as it is a great location to scoot in the evening. It is not as crowded as East Coast due to its location. This is perfect for families with kids who wants space for a leisure walk or to even teach the children to skate , bike or scoot.
Marina Bay
With a million billion dollars view, the city skyline is awesome from Bay East. Bay East is a also great spot to view the fireworks from Marina Bay. We may consider this place as an alternative to Marina should we decide to avoid the crowd for 2014 countdown. The spot is ideal for a picnic in the evening.

As usual, we scoot to and fro fom the Bay East Gardens to Marina Bay Barrage. The distance is just right for us kids.
Boys on wheels
While we were blading and scooting, Mommy was in charge of the photography. Here is a nice sunset shot taken by mommy.
Beautiful Sunset
We were so happy to be with nature that we decided to give an impromptu performance on one of the rock.
Lights , action, go!
Did we mention Bay East is a great spot to view the sunset?

This could be the best spot in Singapore, especially with Marina Bay as the backdrop for the sunset. The reflection of the sun off the kallang River is as spectacular as the skyline.
Sunset over Marina Bay

On estimation, there was at least 10 photographers in the vicinity taking photos. We do hope this place would be kept secret. Bus loads of tourist would spoil th charm and beauty of this serene spot. Bay East is a part of Gardens by the Bay. It is an interim park. It should be developed in the future base on the theme 'Water'.

Bay East
After a few hours of scooting, we set off to Mountbatten Food Center for our dinner. We managed to find a spot to park after failing in our previous attempts.The carpark is always full during weekends!
Can I eat now?
Mountbatten is well known for housing various famous hawker fare such as Fried oyster egg omelette known as O Chian , fried kway teow , prawn noodles and lots more. There are many stores selling similar food, but to get to the good stuff, just follow the queue!
Daddy reckon the best food in Singapore are hawker food, but he admits that they can be quite oily for some dishes...

Hawker fare @ Mountbatten

That is how we spend our lazy weekend. It is moments like this that we wish time could stand still and allow us to soak in serenity with the great company of our family.

Hope your weekend is as relaxing as the one we had!

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