Luna Park : Sydney Theme Park - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Luna Park : Sydney Theme Park

Luna park Wharf
Have you been to Sydney theme park?We haven't, so we decided to explore Sydney Luna Park during our holiday in Sydney.

Ok , this is not the normal theme parks one is probably accustomed to in Australia. Australia Theme parks are synonymous with the Gold Coast of Australia where you have big theme parks likes Movieworld, Dreamland, Seaworld and the works. Sydney Luna Park is of another era altogether.
Time to play,
The theme park located in Sydney is more old school. Think Coney Island NY and you would realised where Luna Park Sydney was inspired from. With its origins in 1935, there is an old school charm at Luna Park. Reopened to the public in 2004, most of the rides were removed, restored and comply to modern safety standards.

When we spotted the Big welcoming smiley face and the Ferris wheel behind while on the ferry, we immediately glee with delight when we realised this is one of our stop for our holidays in Sydney.Entrance The admission to the park was free as compared to the other amusement parks. This is a boon for those who just want to soak up the atmosphere and take a picture or two with the iconic face of Luna Park
Source : Luna Park
The park itself is spilt into 2 segments, the main section houses the carousel, Ferris wheel, the deck ( eating venue), Big Top, selected rides and amusement games. The other segment Coney Island houses the old school rides from the 1930s and requires a fee for admission.
Meet the residents of Luna Park
Most of the rides are catered for kids 106cm and above. If you have a child who is 130cm tall, he can ride on all the rides. Given that one of us is a mere 90cm tall, it is safe to say most rides are out of his reach.
Amusement games
Given that and the complex pricing structure and the limited time, we decided to skip the rides and focus on the Amusement games instead. Everyone is a winner at these games as prizes are a guaranteed at the park, so just play for fun!
Along the way , there are some street performance. Do check the schedules if you are interested in it.
Other than the amusement games, we decided to take the Ferris wheel as well.d
Price is at Aud $10 per person as long as you are above 85cm. Didi tried to be sneaky on his height, but he failed to pull wool over the cashier's eyes.
Not tall enough?
So it is off we go for 5 rounds on the Ferris wheel. We managed to snag a pod all by ourselves for the ride.

The plus side, we get a bird eye's view of the harbour bridge and the opera house.
Great view!
Here you get a glimpse of the rest of the park as well, the flying saucer in the foreground looks scary next to the Ferris wheel. Maybe when we are slightly older, we will revisit the park foe the rides on our next holiday to Sydney.
The other side
The Ferris wheel was quite fun, with the gentle winter breeze. It was over all too fast.
Ferris wheel
Before you know it, it is time to bade farewell to Luna Park. Since it was winter, nightfalls earlier than expected and we headed back to our Meriton apartment.
Smile Luna
Getting there
Luna Park from the sea
We suggest a visit on Sunday if you are in Sydney. Getting there is easy via ferry on either Circular Quay or Darling Harbour. On Sunday , ferry ticket cost only $2.50 per person for families. In addition, you can use these tickets for unlimited public transport for the day.
Family fun day
Thumbs up for Family Funday Sunday promotion!
The ferry
The ferry ride is also a great way for you to take close ups of the harbour bridge and the coastline surroundings. All in all, it was an interesting afternoon for us in Sydney.
See u next time!
The Little Details
Luna Park
Milson Point
Best Via Sydney Ferries

For more Sydney adventures, do click on the picture below.


  1. Replies
    1. Lol. No lah, the boys were more terrified with the rides than the clowns :p


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