My First volunteering experience @ Willing Hearts - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

My First volunteering experience @ Willing Hearts

The Day before..
Big C Talks
All Photos taken by Big C and Mommy

Have you ever been a volunteer?

It had been quite a while since I last volunteered in any charity work. Timing has always been a stumbling block to my attempts at volunteering. In addition, with two young kids in tow, weekends seem always pack with activities , both plan and unplan. As such volunteering had honestly been place on the back burner.

During Children's Day, the wife had volunteered to help at Willing Hearts. Given that is was children's day and the kids were given the day off, it made good sense to bring Big C along for this experience. Big C was very keen upon hearing the news, he even decided would have an earlier nap so he could wake up in time for this important mission.Below is an account from Big C own personal School Journal ( with a little assist from Daddy and Mommy)

Big C writes (in italics):
Self Portrait - Volunteer with a smile
Mommy said we were to do something special on Children's day.
Big C First Volunteer Work - Willing Hearts
We went to cook for the poor and old people. I helped to paste sickers on the lunch boxes.
Where are we heading?
When we were done, we bought the food to them
On the Way
Blk 62
Who are we helping today
It was a meaningful day for me.
First person account
The photos are mostly taken from Big C. See what he experienced from his eyes through his photography.
Big C thoroughly enjoyed his first volunteering experiences. I am proud of what he did and am glad we decided to expose him to charity work.It is never too early to start on volunteering. Everyone can do their part. This would mean we would be able to contribute in making this world a better place to live in....One Volunteer at a time.
I did a good deed
Interested in being a volunteer?
Let's start from here...
Willing Hearts - 100 % volunteer-run, non-profit organisation set up to provide for the needy in Singapore
SG Cares - Provides a wide variety of volunteering opportunities in Singapore through different partner organisations.
Meaningful Day

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