A Wacky June Holiday - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

A Wacky June Holiday

Let the boys have their moments of fun in the sun.

June holidays practically blaze past us like a speeding comet. It was a month packed with activities and events. Books can take a back seat ( but honestly they do not disappear ) while memories are made.

Here is a quick look back to the fun we had as a family over the past one month. This June Holidays prove to be the busiest month for the family till date. So without further ado, here we go!

Recruit Fall In @ Army Museum
Recruit fall in!
Kicking off the school holidays with a visit to the Army Museum. We had a taste of Army Life through Children Seasons ' Cadet Fall in' and have our first range and grenade session.

Build a Spaceship @ IKEA Space Camp
Space -The Final Frontier
From Army recruits, we graduated to Space cadets and build our own spaceship to soar in space.

Walk with Dinosaurs @ Artscience Museum
Walk with Dinosaur

Next up is an edutainment tour at Artscience Museum where we get transported to the beginning of earth and trace the footsteps of Dinosaurs from Dawn to Extinction

Playmobil @ Sentosa
Playmobil Invade Sentosa
The playmobils invaded Sentosa for the 3rd year running and we were summoned to protect the little island from these fearsome figures. We even managed to find Little Lou's long lost twin on the island.

Indonesia @ Changi Airport
Are we at Bali?

Do you known that you do not have to travel out of the country to be in another country. We 'visited' Indonesia at Terminal 3 @ Changi Airport.

World Cup with FOX
Future World Cup Stars
Ole Ole Ole, the World Cup is here! We have sponsored Soccer Jersey Tees from FOX Kids and Baby to celebrate this event. Go Brazil!

DC Heros  @ Faber Peak
Heros unite
An epic battle occurred at Faber Peak. We fought side by side with Superman, Batman and gang against the menace Joker from Faber Peak to Sentosa via the Cable Car.

Justice League @ Singapore Philatelic Museum
The Justice League
After a fearsome battle, we head to SPM to reunite with The Justice League to celebrate our victory.

The Lion men 2 Gala premiere @ RWS

The boys were also treated to their favourite show The Lion Men sequel at RWS. It was gala night and they got to meet the cast face to face. Awesome!

Food Blog

This family blog almost become a food blog in June with a series of Food invites. Thank goodness for these invites as we need to fuel up after all the fun.

Breakfast @ Azur (Crowne Plaza Changi Airport)
Brunch @ District 10
District 10

Yummy Junior meals @ The Manhattan Fish Market
The Manhattan Fish Market
Underwater Adventure @ Swensen's

In between food and fun, we got down to 'serious' work with sponsored reviews by HP , iNbox and Lookitsaboutme.com

Printing fun for family with HP Apps

HP printing fun
Activities in a box with iNbox
Our own personalised storybooks with Lookitsaboutme.com
Look it's about me!
 To cap it off, we took a week vacation to Melbourne.

 Holiday @ Melbourne

Melbourne fun!
It was a whirlwind month indeed. Looking back it was amazing that we had survived the month of June. This was probably the most action pack holiday we have to date.

And you know what?

It was totally awesome as the boys love it!

Mission accomplished.

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