HIBIKI IV : A Drum Extravaganza - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

HIBIKI IV : A Drum Extravaganza

It's an open secret that the Wackies are fans of drums. In fact we were exposed to Drum performance since 2009.

Thus it was without hesitation we accepted the invitation to attend HIBIKI IV at NUS cultural center. HIKIBI IV is the fourth edition of this annual performance. This was a performance by Hibikiya, a local Japanese culture group, to showcase Japanese musical art form with Tenko drums as the main instrument.

Hibiki IV
In addition to performances by Hikibiya, there are guest performances by popular Japanese Wadaiko player Hiro Hayashida, Shinobue flute master Bunta Sato , Japan upcoming Taiko drummers T.E.A.M and our personal favourite ZingO Festival Drum Group.
The performance started with Hibikiya. The diversicity within the group can be seen with the various age group and members from all walks of life. Other than drums , they are proficient in a variety of musical instruments such as Shinobue flutes, Koto and Shamisen.
Performance was animated and serious at different times. Namiko Sakai , the founder of Hibikiya was a bundle of energetic joy in her performance.

It was amazing to see Japanese music culture flourishing in Singapore. There are workshops and lessons by Hibikiya. For more information , do visit their website here.
Namiko Sakai
The drum beat continues. This time, the vibrant light hearted performance is replaced by the serious facade of ZingO Festival Drum group. We love the contrast of this Chinese Drum vs the Japanese Drum performance. The former emphasis on discipline and precision drum,while the latter provided a touch of light hearted and moments of intensity.

Both have one thing in common... The passion for making beautiful drum beats that will resonate the audience hearts.
Secretly we clapped a little louder for ZingO during the performance. It is hard not to like the stylish Red clan group, belting out tunes that we were very familiar with. With calls for encore even before the performance was completed, it had shown how much they had appealed to the audience.
Hiro Hayashida
The star of the show would undoubtedly be wildly talented Hiro Hayashida. Put a drum into his hands and it will come alive. Considered as a pioneer in the Taiko world, this well respected Master is a touch of class with his intensive and passionate style of playing the drums.

He had bought his T.E.A.M , a group of talented young Taiko drummers with him. Supported by Bunta Sato, the Shinobue flute expert, the group performances were fluid, intense and electrifying. It was almost as it we were watching a rock performance instead of a drum performance.

The 3 hours show overran by about half an hour. The audience are not complaining, not when they were treated to an excellent combine group performance One Beat. To top it off, the encore Rasa Sayang was a surprise choice filled with local flavour that had the audience clapping and singing along.
One beat
This was one performance we will remember. We think it is unnecessary to travel to the heart of Japan to experience its musical culture, especially when world class show like HIBIKA is just at our doorstep.
HIBIKI souvenirs
As for the Wackies, they have picked up some souvenirs from the show; drumsticks that broke during the highly intense performance. It will be no surprise if they are going to pull out the mini drums ( yes they have mini drums) from the storeroom to play.

There goes my ears...

A special thanks to the organizers for this special invite. It was a wonderful feelings to be seated at the front row to witness this awesome performance!
We can't wait for HIBIKI V !!
I was here

The Wacky Duo were invited to the show for review

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