Orchid Extravaganza @ Flower Dome - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Orchid Extravaganza @ Flower Dome

Orchid Extravaganza
'Gardens by the Bay goes round the world' series is back. This time we are visited by the Orchid Extravaganza found in Asia.

Orchid is no stranger to Singapore. In case you do not know, our national flower is Vanda Miss Joaquim. As human as the name sound, this is actually an orchid chosen as Singapore's national flower in 1981 as part of an overall effort to foster national pride and identity.

After a tour around the flower field designed by award winning architect Jun-ichi Inda, you will appreciate why the Orchid is chosen to represent Singapore. This floral display is by far one of the prettiest I have seen year to date.
Orchid Cornets
Greeting you at the entrance would be three 7 metre tall Orchid Cornets created with white bamboo poles. This is just a prelude to the magnificent 10 metre tall Orchid Kaleidoscope where you will be surrounded by a 360 degree vertical garden of orchids in hues of purple, red, yellow, green and white.
Tiger Orchids
The other main highlight will be the Tiger Orchids. These rare orchids are the world largest orchid plants and only flowers once every few years.
The Orchid eye
Quite frankly the tower and the Orchid viewed from beneath the tower reminded me of the White city of Minas Tirith and the Eye of Sauron from the famed Lord of the ring trilogy. Perhaps this is where Mr Jun-ichi Inda gets his inspiration from.
Different light
Jokes aside, I really like this floral display. Featuring some 18000 plants and more than 40 orchid species and hybrids, this is one of the more colourful display that grace the Flower Bed.

Pretty Orchids

Also featured in Orchid Extravaganza is a gallery of competition orchids.
Prize winner

Gold medal winner

Regardless if it is a competition winner, the individual orchid are pretty in their own rights. Coming in various shapes and colours, it is a joy to photograph these excellent specimens. Check out these selections of orchid photos. Do excuse the quality as the photos are taken without tripod.

Shades of purple

Sunny side up



I fly


What am I?


Other than orchids , there are other blooms on the flower bed.

The Orchid Extravaganza will be on display from now till 21 September. Do pick up The World of Orchids from the ticketing office to explore the orchids around Gardens By the Bay.

The world of Orchids
For other ' Garden by the Bay goes round the world' series, check out the following post.

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