Trickeye Museum @ RWS Singapore : Guide for Families - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Trickeye Museum @ RWS Singapore : Guide for Families

Glad to meet you!
Singapore first Trick art museum from Korea opens it doors at Resort World of Singapore. Here you can take unbelievable 3D like photos from the use of mainly 2D artwork.

Trickeye musuem originated from Hongdae, Seoul in December 2010. It has seven museums worldwide. This interactive museum consist of 6 family friendly zones consisting of World of Masterpieces, Safari Kingdom, Star of Cirucs, Dreams of Fairy take, Love in Winter and Adventure Discovery.

Since we are *ahem* veterans of Trick Art museum, we shall share 12 tips for a rolling good time for families.
1 Allow the kids to go wacky
Battle of the Babies
If you are bringing kids along, let them dictate the pace of the visit. Encourage them to be comfortable and let them be themselves. If possible, ask them to go wild. Let loose a little and they might just surprise you with their willing ingress to pose.
Save me!
Trickeye museum is one place where you can throw proper mannerism out of the window. This is the place where you ARE allowed to go crazy or wacky. The wackier you are, the better the shot!
What's for dinner?
And do join them in the act as well. After all you would not find a better place to let loose in front of the kids. So if you can't beat them, join them.However as wacky as we are, we need to be considerate too, do not hog the artworks. Take your photos and move on to the next one especially if there are queues.
Circus acts
2 This is a touch museum
You are encourage to touch the exhibits. There are no signs to say don't touch it (unless it is under maintenance)
Add caption
Go ahead, Let your kids climb, grab, stand on the exhibits. No one will ask you to stop. In fact is is recommended. We kid you not.Better still, there are actually exhibits that forces you to do just that for the perfect shot!
Pole dancer ?
3 No rules , anything goes
Forget about the 'look at me and smile' poses, they do not work here. Instead let the children explore their creativity.

You might have a surprise or two when you view the final outcome .

4 Need a tip? Use photo aids
Photo point
The 3 D effects works best when you take the photos from the right angle. Look out for ' Photo Point ' stickers on the floor. They will point to you the right way to snap a photo.
Photo tips
If you need help on the pose there are suggested ways to pose with the artwork. Look out for these posters by the side of the exhibits. There are also exhibits that might need you to view it from a different angle for the 'right look', all these instructions can be found on these posters. To get the best photo, you probably have to crop your photos at the end of the day for a perfect composition. The photos on this post are mostly crop and adjusted for the perfect look.
Crop your shot.

5 Find an empty spot
Find an empty spot
The Trickeye Museum is separated into 6 main zones . There are over 80 art pieces along these zones. This means there are an average of more than 10 art pieces per zone.
Given the large number of choices, move to an empty art piece to take your shot instead of spending time waiting for a popular piece.
Find your spot
6 Go in pairs or more, but don't bring the army
Best of pals
Go in groups of 2 or more. We think max 4 to 5 in a group would be about right. Avoid large groups as it would most likely mean you would face bottlenecks when it comes to taking photographs.
Wizards Intern
If you are a couple, do bring a friend. You might need a 'photographer ' for those artpieces made for groups. There are art exhibits which caters to single as well as group photos. It is quite balance in our opinion.

7 Happy kids will pose, cranky kids would no

Running away with the circus
So make sure the child is well rested and well fed. This would make them fully charge for the session ahead.The following pictures are proof of happy kids making photo taking a breeze.
Touch by an Angel
Race horse
8 Strike a pose... corrections, strike many poses!
Different poses for different looks
Here are many ways to pose for a photo. We suggest you to try different poses for the same shot. You will never know what you might end up with.
So be bold and creative. Don't be afraid of looking foolish, everyone else is doing it at the Trickeye museum, so pose away!
Dino trap
9 No strollers lah.
The individual room at the Trickeye Museum is rather big. However we do not suggest the use of strollers within . You might get into people's way and may irk an odd childless man to write an editorial in Straits Times. Either way a stroller is unnecessary as the museum is not that big. Moreover the stroller might just get into the photos of others. Surely, as parents we are more considerate than that.
10 Comfy ClothesWear comfy clothes. We recommend T- shirts and shorts. There will be art pieces that requires you to lie down on the floor or stand at an odd angle, so be as comfortable and modest as you can.

Magician assistance
11 Off peak hours
The best time to go would be weekdays evenings. We were there at about 730pm in the evening and there was no much crowd. As such we manged to take tons of photos and complete the museum tour in slightly over an hour.Less crowd means you have more time to pose for photos without feeling rushed. With young children, the extra time is a blessing.Avoid weekends. With the added tourist crowd, you might need to jostle for a chance to take your favourite picture. Not ideal timing for family with young kids.
12 Don't forget your camera!
Say cheese!
Last but not least, bring a camera along. It could be the high end DSLR or the mobile phone. It does not matter as you would still likely get the shot you would like.
We do think a tripod is unnecessary , unless you are going alone. All he photos taken are without tripod. In addition, there is no need for flash as the place is very well lit. Flash might actually create bright spots on the final picture and spoil the look.
To conclude, we love the Trickeye Museum. In fact we took over 300 shots in an hour! Most of the photos turn out pretty good, thus making it hard to choose the right one for this review. To see more, join us at our Facebook page.
Trickeye Museum
Resort World Singapore
Opens daily 10am - 9pm
Adults (13-59) $25 Child (4-12) $20. Senior (60 and above ) $25
Click to enter
Thanks to the kind folks of Trickeye Museum , we are giving away 3 Tickets each for 2 readers.
Simply do the following to qualify
  1. Like Trickeye Museum facebook
  2. Like The Wacky Duo facebook
  3. Share the above picture in facebook. Click here for facebook link
  4. Complete the following sentence in the facebook link " Tickeye Museum is ________ " Be creative with the answers!
  5. Join the rafflecopter below
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway close 31Aug 2359
Terms and conditions applies
Results will be out on the post by 1 Sep 2014
Terms and Conditions
  • All above steps must be completed.
  • Open to residents of Singapore with a valid Singapore address (no PO BOX)
  • Prize are subject to change by the sponsor. Validity will be disclose to the winners.
  • is not liable for the condition of the Giveaway Prize
  • Selected readers will be contacted directly by a representative of Trickeye Museum. Reader are expected to respond within a week and liaise directly with the sponsor directly. Failure to do so will lead to a forfeit
  • Prizes are to be self-collected, no delivery option is available for this giveaway
  • Winners of past 1 month giveaways on will not qualify for this giveaway.


  1. Congrats to K Wee Woon and Neo Gok Keng

  2. Hello Wacky Duo, thank you for visiting Trick Eye Museum in Singapore and hope you had great time with us. We've recently opened our blog for English speaker and we would like to share some of your photo in our blog. If it's ok with you, please let us know. Thank you! :)

    1. Hi Trick Eye Museum . Thanks for your interest in using our photos . Drop us an email at with your request details . Thanks !


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