Explorer Kids Downtown East review : The Spooky Edition - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Explorer Kids Downtown East review : The Spooky Edition


It's Halloween time.
Ok it's a lame introduction, but Spooky Town Bash @ Explorerkids Downtown East is anything but ...

The Wackies were invited to their first Halloween bash. Honestly Halloween may not be everyone's cup of tea due to the subject content. Some may even object to children being exposed to it. Nonetheless, if you take it with a pinch of salt and a whole dash of family friendly potion, it is just another excuse to have fun with the kids. So in the name of fun and not ghouls, we bring you a review of Explorerkids Downtown East - The Spooky Edition.

The boys were dressed up as wizards. Pardon the outfit, since this was the first time we were invited into a Halloween Party, our standard is admittedly on a lower scale. Nonetheless dressing up in capes and wand does give the illusion of strength to the boys and they use it to the fullest by exploring the vast land of Explorekids for 3 HOURS.
First up to greet them was the 3 storey tall play structure known as Mega Play located near the entrance. Being familiar to these structures given their experience, it took them less than a minute to cast their magic on it.

Being wizards of the night, conquering Mega Play was just the first act.
Next up , Magic mountain , otherwise officially known as The Cliff.
Wacky Wizard conquers the Cliff
Enchanted by the glowing ball pit located on the side of it, the wacky wizards jump in to explore the glow. Is there a mystical brew underneath it?
Ball Pit
Along their journey, they spotted an Adventure Highland meant for children taller than 1.1 meters.
There is also a ball city for one to pit their battles in . It was close for Halloween night as apparently the humans fear the ghouls at roam this ground.
Advernture Highland
Ball City

Compared to other playgrounds, there are no eateries in sight. There are places for the Giants ( adults ) to rest and vending machines to quench their thirst. Thankfully the loos are located within the playground premises.
Halloween @ Explorer Kids
Spooky Burger meets Hungry Wizard

As for the Spooky Town Bash itself, the boys were joined by a huge crowd of Superheros, Princesses, Witches, Draculas and even BoBa Fett little Sister. There are a few ghouls, but it was all done in the name of fun. No little kids were scared and no one turned to the dark side (though the pink Boba Fett was quite a hit for the night... She won the best dress contest)
The Wizard awaiting the results for Best Dress
The Best Dress - Pink Boba

Instead the little spooks were treated to making their own scary sandwiches, some spooky games a mass treat of trick around Downtown East mall. If you ask me, the last bit was the scariest of it all... Imagine 100 little spook surrounding 1 adult for their treats. Luckily for everyone, no stampede happened that night.
Trick or Treat?

As for Explorer Kids, this visit ticks another playground off our Singapore Top Indoor playground for kids. The Wackies had their fair share of fun in this massive playground. It may not be the newest playground, but it does have spots that bewitches.

TWD were invited to the event for a review

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