iPhone 6 Plus : Size comparison - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

iPhone 6 Plus : Size comparison

iPhone 6 Plus
It's Thursday, so that means some time out for techie fun!

 iPhone 6 Plus has launched almost a month ago. After a long wait, it had finally landed in the household.

I was contemplating between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The decision was not an easy one given that iPhone 6 Plus was embroiled in Bendgate controversy. However given my previous phone was the Samsung S4, trading that in for a similar iPhone 6 seems a tad unnecessary. Thus my head was turned to the iPhone 6 Plus as it has a larger screen, runs on the reliable IOS system and has image stabilization for its camera. These extras do help especially when my eyesights are deteriorating due to age, I am an Andriod failure and I use the phone as a secondary camera.

For those still in doubt, here is a size comparison between the iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s, iPad Mini, iPad and the iPhone 6 Plus.
iPhone 4s vs iPhone 5s vs iPhone 6 Plus
The 6 Plus is undoubtedly larger than its predecessors in most ways. The only size advantage would be the thinness of the iPhone 6 Plus. It comes in at 0.7cm compared to 0.76 cm of the earlier models. It should fit into the front pockets of Jeans. However we do advise against putting your phones in the back pocket given its size ( And the possibility that you would sit on it!)
The 6 Plus is also curvier compared to the iPhone 4 and 5.
The IOS Family
It has been said the iPhone 6 Plus is actually the mini version of iPad mini. I would have to disagree. It may be similar in terms of design, however there are apps such as Blogsy (which I use to blog) that does not cater to iPhones. In addition, the iPhone 6 plus is still an iPhone , thus some apps appearance will differ from iPad Mini or iPad.
iPhone 6 Plus vs iPhone 4 vs iPhone 5s vs iPad Mini vs iPad
In terms of screen size, the 5.5 inch is great for watching video and playing games. For web browsing, it is best to view it on landscape mode ( available only in iPhone 6 Plus) for a more comfortable read.

In other words, the kids can take the iPhone 6 Plus for watching videos, while I work on blog post on the iPad mini. As for the size, those with smaller hands would need 2 hands for typing on the 6 Plus compared with using one hand on the earlier models.
Screen Size comparision
A quick note on the design. The latest iPhone 6 is a departure from the mini brick look of the previous iPhone. A welcoming change in my eyes. Speakers and headphone connector are on the bottom, similar to iPhone 5s

From the side, you could see how the design resembles the iPad family rather than the older iPhones. Some buttons have change including the volume control and the on/off button 's location.
Side view iPhone 6 Plus vs iPhone 4s vs iPhone 5s vs iPad Mini vs iPad
The question most will ask

Does it bend?
iPhone 6 plus
Fortunately, although I am Dad to 2 Wackies, I am not that crazy to do the test. However, I am concern about the protruding camera.
Protruding Camera
Thus getting a protective case was the first thing I did after getting the phone.
iPhone Cover
The Apple iPhone 6 Plus leather cover was my choice. Since it is produced to fit the iPhone 6 perfectly, it helps to reduce the bulk a third party case may have. The downside of the cover is that it does not cover the lower part of the phone. However that would also mean that it should fit into most docking station without the need to remove the cover.
After a few days of use, it is rather hard to imagine going back to a phone with a smaller screen size. It is no surprise that the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are the top phone seller for this year with the significant improvements. However the iPhone 6 plus size is more Phone that I will ever need. So unless Apple makes real bendable iPhones in the future, it should be with me for a longer period.

Disclaimer : No iPhones / iPads are sponsored. However thanks to Mummy J for loaning the iPhone 5s for this review . By the way Apple, if you are reading this, we are fans and definitely open to a collaboration! ( Hint Hint , the new iPad! )


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