Top 5 Chinese New Year family movies - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Top 5 Chinese New Year family movies

Chinese New Year is upon us in a week's time.

To help you in your preparation of the festivities ahead, here are our top 5 CNY movies you can watch to keep the families entertain during this period of family gathering. It is time to fire up our favourite Pioneer Home entertainment system comprising of Pioneer VSX924K and BDP170 3D Blu Ray Player for a festive showdown.

Lionmen Part 1 and 2
What is Chinese New Year without lion dance?

The Lion Men part 1 and 2 is the perfect movie for this festive season. Truth be told, we are Bonafide fans of Jack Neo movies. Say what you will, the localized theme is sometime we can identify with. Add Lion Dance to the works and you have a winner!

Hu He Hu He Hu He!

Lego Movie
Everything is Awesome!

With a tag line like that , watching this movie will definitely lift the spirit of Chinese New Year. If you are in a gathering with a room full of kids, just pop in this Movie and you will be guaranteed 2 hours of peaceful bliss.

Just don't blame us when the kids demand the Ang Pow monies to be use to buy a Lego Movie Set after the movie!

The Monkey King
It used to be that Jackie Chan is the main Chinese New Year fare with his 'Kung fu moves ' movies. This time round he has a fitting heir to the throne. Move over Jackie , here comes Donnie!
The classic tale of The Monkey King will never fail to entertain both young and old. Add lung busting Kung fu moves to the mix and you will have a winner.

Ah Boys to Men Part 1 and 2
Did we say we are Jack Neo Fans?

Ah Boys to Men part 1 and 2 will be a good addition to the movie catalog for this coming CNY. The tale of army boys will never grow old as long as we have NS in Singapore.
Watch this and then proceed to the movie theaters for part 3: Ah Boys to Men - The Frogmen

Big Hero 6
Ok, stop looking around, the Blue ray for this movie is not out yet. However with a release date of 24 Feb, you could still get it in time for Chinese New Year!

This 2014 movie of the year for kids will top our list of entertainment for children. It is hard not to fall in love with the adorable Baymax. Together with a heartwarming tale of brotherhood in the mix , this is one movie worth popping into the blue ray player for this festive season.

Pioneer Sound System

Go and rent or buy one of these for CNY. Pop it into your Blu Ray player today. We recommend Pioneer BDP170 3D Blu Ray Player to enjoy the movies in 3D. There is also a youtube app build in to search for movies/ shows on YouTube as an added bonus. This will no doubt bring the movie experience that will keep your guests captivated this festive season!

Thinking of getting a sound system for this CNY? Check out our suggestions at the following links

Home Entertianment System with Pioneer
Newbie Guide to Home Entertainment system
5 reasons for a home Entertainment System
Enjoy your movies!

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