Singapura : 700 Years - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Singapura : 700 Years

Singapura : 700 years
With Singapore celebrating SG50 this year, it will be great to explore the history of Singapore as an island. The best place to see Singapore transformation will be at Singapura : 700 year exhibit at National Museum of Singapore.

Experience Singapore's transformation through the ages as it went from a humble fishing village to the prime of an empire, before finally achieving the status of being an independent nation-state. There are six sections to explore. Archaeology Singapore, Ancient Singapore (1300-1818), Colonial Singapore (1819-1942), Syonan-To (1942-1945), Road to Merdeka (1946-1965) and Independent Singapore (1965-1975)

Let's head back to the past!

Archaeology Singapore
Singapore Stone

One of the main archeology attraction will be the Singapore Stone. Originally measuring 3m by 3m, it included inscriptions believed to be written in 13 Century or earlier. The Singapore Stone once stood at the mouth of the Singapore river and was blown up in 1843 to make space for Fort Fullerton. It is now a National Treasure.

Ancient Singapore (1819-1942)
Ancient Singapore
Ancient Singapore was once ruled by princes. It is traditionally known that Sang Nila Utama discovered and founded Singapura. Here you will discover the princes that ruled the island after him.

Princes of Singapura
Colonial Singapore (1819-1942)

Colonial Singapore was also known as the period of Modern Singapore. It started with the arrival of British Sir Stamford Raffles.

During this period, Singapore grew as a bustling port and immigrants surge in this tiny island.

The island became a melting pot, attracting Chinese, Malay, Indians and Caucasians. This attraction had continued till this day.
Some of the artifacts are familiar as they were previously from the previous Singapore History Gallery that is currently under renovation.

Syonan-To (1942-1945)
Syonan -To
In Singapura's short history, she was invaded and the transfer of power went from the British Empire to the Japanese regime. Singapore was renamed Syonan-To.

The short 3 years is perhaps the darkest in Singapore history.

The short 3 years is perhaps the darkest in Singapore history.

The exhibit has some interesting diorama depicting the days of yesterday.

Road to Merdeka (1946-1965)

The turmoil from the war years continued post war when Singapore headed towards the route to being an independent nation. The nation Road to Merdeka began in 1945.

Through 2 decades of strife and threats from communism, the nation grapples with internal and external conflicts.

Parties evolved and amongst the rebellion, one man stood tall.

Parties evolved and amongst the rebellion, one man stood tall.

Before independence came, we were briefly a part of Malaya, renamed Malaysia to recognize Singapore part in the nation. Nonetheless the partnership did not last.

Independent Singapore (1965-1975)

Singapore became independent in 1965, leaders emerge to bring this 3rd world nation to the 1st.

The exhibition is open free to Singapore citizens and PR. Charges applies for International guest. This exhibition is good for locals to bring their young ones to get acquainted with Singapore past and for international guests to have a glimpse of how Singapore evolved.

Since this is year is SG 50, it is worth to visit this exhibition to appreciate its significance.

The Little Details

Singapura 700
Exhibition Galleries 1 & 2, Basement, National Museum of Singapore
28 Oct 2014 - 10 Aug 2015
10am – 6pm

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