Hello School, goodbye Holiday... - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Hello School, goodbye Holiday...

The Cat in the Hat
Hello School, Goodbye Holiday...

It was a fruitful week for us mixed with blogger invites to personal escapades all around Singapore. We kicked off the holiday with 'The Cat in the Hat' by favourite children theatre - The Litte Company. It was a good start for us as we were huge fans of Dr Suess works.

With the haze looming and all the chatter on Singapore elections, we managed to take a break and squeeze in a visit to the Zoo on polling day. It was not as crowded as your typical holidays and the boys did a first for the trip - feeding the Giraffe!
The Way Back Home
Since it was the last weekend before school starts, we continued our life experiences with a surreal play by I Theatre 'The Way Back Home'. In the evening, we caught the masters of local Lion Dance at the 21st Ngee Ann City National Lion Dance Championship.
21st Ngee Ann City Championship

We had to sleep early that evening, but we did not.

Early next morning, with sleepy eyes, we headed down to Marina Bay Sands to watch Hi 5 'House of Dreams' . Heng ah, it is about dreams , so we thought we could catch our 40 winks.

Instead, we were greeted with 2 hours worth of non stop dancing , singing and entertainment. Not that we were complaining as we went home while awake thereafter.

Hi 5 House of Dreams
Finally we ended our week long break with a Sunday Brunch at Mel's Place. It was cool that they had yummy food and a bouncing castle to boot. It was even better as kids eat for free for every main course offered!
Mel's Place

It was a fun filled one week break. Honestly, it was not what we did , but how we do it.... as a family. It is not about ticking off boxes of things to do, but rather to build memories. I am glad we are able to do just that with our little ones. After all, the one week break is not just all about doing homework, revising your school books and indulge in sleep ( though we did parts of that ). It is also a time to recharge and get ready for school. Personally, I think the boys batteries are now fully charged and ready for the school days ahead.

To prove that we actually did some school work, check out Little Lou's school '3D' project. It was a family effort with Dad providing the theme, Mom the execution, Bro the creative inputs and Lou the final touches.Not bad eh?

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