Lego Rhino and Sandman Super Villain Team up |
If you had been a regular reader of the blog, it will come to no surprise if I told you that my hobbies lies in photography. The other 'passion' that I could indulge in with the boys is LEGO.
We had done reviews on minifigures set before. Since the boys do get a LEGO set every now and then as a gift from me, I thought why not do a review in the process of constructing the set. With the combination of photography and the love of LEGO, it will be a perfect combination.Our recent purchase was the LEGO Rhino and Sandman Super Villian Team Up. It was a set from our recent trip in Gold Coast. The recommended retail in Singapore for this set is at SGD 99.90. Our price after discount and Vat refund was about half of that. Read on to find out if this set is worth the buck.
Get ready for our Toys for Boys review!
The Box
Lego Rhino and Sandman Super Villian Team Up |
This set is recommended for ages 7-14 ( but it does not meant a 40 year old
kid cannot play the set) The LEGO code for this is 76037. It comes wih 386 bricks. At the local price , it comes in at a pricey 0.386 cents per brick (average sets cost 0.16 cents per brick) The contents as follows
- 4 minifigures
- 386 pieces
- 3 numbered bags
- 2 instructions booklets
- 1 comic book
- 1 sticker page
The minifigures
Minifigures - Front |
When purchasing sets, most of the time we would focus on the minifigures. Unless it is the LEGO Modular series or the UCS (Ultimate Creator Series) most sets would not hold its values. However minifigures tends to hold its value or appreciate in the longer run. The 4 minifigures found in this set are Spiderman, Iron Spider, Rhino (the movie- Amazing Spiderman 2 version) and Sandman ( presumably from the movie Spiderman 3).
An interesting note is the inclusion of Iron Spider. If you had followed the Marvel lore, it is a suit created by Tony Stark (Ironman) for Spiderman. The pair have yet met in the movie universe, but this set seem to hint of a future reunion. If the news that
surface recently are true, we might see Spiderman soon in the highly successful Avengers franchise. In short, the minifigures you get in the set is a little bit rojak, but it also meant a greater value attached to it, as 3 out of 4 minifigures are new to the Super Hero franchise.
Minifigures - Back |
Even Spiderman has a slight improvement over the older version, it now comes with red boots print. This made the costume more in line with the original Spiderman we had grown up with. It also mean that LEGO Superman would be jealous as he does not have red boots of his own.Maybe Spidey can lend it to him once in a while.
New vs Old Lego Spiderman |
An additional bonus would be the Rhino Armour. It is a highly pose-able build with 4 stud shooters from the tip of the fingers to enhance its playability.
Lego Rhino |
The Rhino minifigure can be enclosed in it ala
Hulkbuster. However in terms of build, it did seem like a midget next to it.
Lego Rhino |
The Build
There are 3 packs to build. Relatively small set, it can be build in about two hours.
Sorting out |
A tip for building sets. Try sorting it out in colours first before the build. It will usually speed up the process of building.
Assemble mode |
There are a couple of playable feature in the set. There is the Sandman's man, moveable web trap and wrecking ball.
Sandman's Hand |
Spidey Web |
Wrecking Ball |
The set also acts an an extension of Sandman's superpowers as seen in the picture below.
Where is Sandman |
In terms of playability, the set offers limited options. Other than the crane itself, the other parts are tied in with Sandman presence for it to work. Moreover construction is rather flimsy and ip the set looks awfully bare. At the local price of $99.90 , it may not make sense. However if you can get it at half the price ( like we did ) , the minifigures itself would pay for the set.
Value : 2.5/ 5Playability : 3/5Minifigures : 4/5
The full set |
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Ps : This is #notasposored post. But hey LEGO, if you would like to work with us, we will welcome you with open arms :)
Time to play |
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