What does Christmas means to our family - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

What does Christmas means to our family

Christmas is just around the corner. In recent times, Christmas had held several meanings to different people.

It is a season of Giving.
It is a season to get together.
It is a season for bright lights and crazy shopping .
It is a season to mark the end of the year.
It is a season to celebrate the Birth of Christ.,

Regardless the reasons, Christmas Season has always a special place in our hearts. To us Christmas is a 2 fold event. We celebrate the birth of Christ with an annual extended family gathering after our Christmas mass . At the same time we soak in the atmosphere by visiting the sights and sounds of Christmas around us. As we embrace the religious roots of Christmas, we also celebrate the evolution of Christmas in modern times.

Christmas is significant to the family for the many meanings it holds. It is a season to embrace and rejoice in the birth of Jesus. It is the time to celebrate with family and friends regardless of religious overtures. It is the season to be thankful for everything ,for good or bad, that had past for the year, It also cap off the end of the year and made us look forward to the new year ahead.
Christmas may be commercialised , but it is how we interpret it that matters. It is not about the number of presents received ( though the kids may argue about that) , but the numerous gifts we share. The gift of family, the gift of friendship and the gift of love are things that cannot be bought. To have a season to allow us to share this freely is something we are appreciative. In many places around the world, such opportunities to share are a rare sight. As we celebrate Christmas, spare a thought for those who would want to but could not.

Be thankful , give a gift that matters. For this year, we decide to adopt a charity for Christmas. May this be the start of an annual family Christmas tradition.

The family will donate to Club Rainbow, an independent charity for children with various chronic and life-threatening illness. If you would like to make a  similar donation, sponsor or be a volunteer, do visit their website for more information. Otherwise visit Singapore gives for more options.

This is not a sponsored post, it is just our way of giving thanks and playing our part in passing on the love to the community.

Merry Christmas in advance everyone!

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