Now Showing : Hanuman the Super Hero Review - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Now Showing : Hanuman the Super Hero Review

A disclaimer first... we are fans of SRT - The Little Company, so we may be biased on reviewing the shows. It is hard not to throw accolades at their direction especially when the family thinks their productions outshine even overseas troupes  in terms of quality family entertainment.

How can we not say good words when we walk away with delight in each and every one of their shows. For the boys, they will still talk about the characters they had seen and would discuss which one of them is their favorite. To put things in perspective, they would only discuss about things they like.

Hanuman - The Superhero Monkey was no exception. This time SRT - The Little Company outdid themselves with excellent performances by the cast of the Army of 5 monkeys and an immersive digital experience that set the stage alive.

In collaboration with UK's Imitating the Dog, this was a unique theatre style that converted  the epic tale from Ramayana to one that is part cartoon, part film, part musical and part physical theatre.
Sean Lai, Millicent Wong, Zachary Ibrahim and Jo Tan in Hanuman - The Superhero Monkey (Source : SRT)

Meet Hanuman - the superhero monkey, who destroys monsters, defeats evil kings and restores order to the world. SRT's The Little Company presents this original multimedia and highly visual theatre, created in collaboration with the UK's Imitating the Dog, who bring their unique theatre style to this epic tale adapted from the Ramayana, and featuring music by Soumik Datta, one of the biggest new music talents in UK.

Watch worlds and landscapes change in the blink of an eye and witness the extraordinary feats of Hanuman and his cheeky band of monkey friends as they battle to create a better world.

Sean Lai, Millicent Wong, Jo Tan, Zachary Ibrahim and Fazli bin Ahmad in. Hanuman (Source :SRT )

The good thing about using digital technology is that it change the stage into different landscape in a jiffy. Moreover, with the clever use of lights and backdrops, the stage backdrop becomes three dimensional and becomes part of the play itself. From the flight of Hanuman to the battle with Ravana, each scene transport us to somewhere else that would be made impossible without digital reality.

The best part of the play remains the excellent performances by the cast playing the Army of 5 Monkeys. Kudos to SRT for finding such talents on our shores. Having been to several productions by SRT - The Little Company, it seemed that they have found the magic formula to bond with the audience. We particularly liked the fiery antics of Jo Tan as Millie as well as the endearing traits of Millicent Wong as Stacey. The latter was an exceptional talent with here captivating performance even though it was her first performance with SRT.
Millicent Wong, Zachary Ibrahim and Sean Lai in Hanuman - The Superhero ( Source : SRT)

Other that than the performances and the stage, there is always something to learn
at SRT - The Little Company production. This time we learnt the importance of willpower, courage, humility and integrity in a fun and engaging way. In addition, the play also exposed to boys to other cultural , which was always a boon in Singapore's multi-cultural society.

Given that this is the year of the Monkey, this is one production that is perfect for this year.

Our verdict - Highly recommended!
The Wacky Duo were invited to watch the show for the purpose of this review. No Monetary rewards were given. All opinions are of our own.

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